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Release Notes | CudaText

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In this page we post the official release notes and changelogs related to CudaText, if and as software developers make available these. However, if you need more info on CudaText, or relases notes are not available yet, you can always consider to read its description as well.

+ add: detection of UTF16 LE/BE without BOM
+ add: grouping modes "6 vert" and "6 horz"
+ add: Code Tree filter: each tab has its own filter text (initially empty)
+ add: Code Tree filter: input is combobox now; use Enter to add current text to dropdown
+ add: tab context menu items: "Copy filename only", "Copy filepath only", "Copy full filepath"
+ add: Project Manager option "Open files by double-click"
+ add: improved lexer HTML: highlight content with CSS lexer
+ add: improved lexer Markdown: highlight {++add++}, {--del--}, {~~edit~~}
+ add: command "code tree: clear filter"
+ add: command "code tree: focus filter"
+ add: command "code tree: focus treeview"
+ add: command "ui: hide bottom panel"
+ add: on folding a range, caret(s) pos is corrected if it was inside that range
- fix: lexer Python: wrong highlighted strings like r'\'
- fix: CSS autocompletion inside didn't work with multiline string

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