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Release Notes | Wipeout XL (2097) Direct3D demo

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Wipeout XL (2097) Direct3D demo
This demo requires Windows 95.

Wipeout XL needs the latest version of Direct X (version 3.0a). If you are certain have this version, please use SETUP.EXE to install the demo. If you do not have this version, please use LAUNCHER.EXE or INSTALL.EXE to install the demo.

Wipeout XL installation size is 24 MB. Please make sure you have Scandisked and Defragmented your hard drive before installation. These tools are located in the START Menu under \PROGRAMS \ ACCESSORIES \ SYSTEM TOOLS. Regularly running these programs ensures that your hard drive is in its peak condition.

Using the demo for magazine cover disks: If you want to offer the user Wipeout's Direct X installer, set up your front end to call the LAUNCHER.EXE program. If you wish to offer Direct X separately to the user and want to just install the game, call the SETUP.EXE program.

2. Start up selections

When starting up, Wipeout offers a pre-game selection menu where you can choose the screen resolution that you want to run the game in and whether you want to use 3D hardware or not. The default settings will be the optimum settings for your hardware. If you have a 3D card installed on the machine, Wipeout will detect this and will display "Direct 3D HAL" under the device section. If it does not, you may manually set this mode, however, there are certain graphical abnormalities yet to be resolved in this mode.

The resolutions that the demo runs in are 320x200, 320x240, 640x480. The resolutions offered to you on the start up box will depend on both your VGA card and 3D card.

If you have a good 3D card, we recommend you run the game in 640x480. If you don't have a 3D card, we recommend you run the game in 320x240 in "RAMP EMULATION" mode. We do not recommend that you run the demo in RGB Emulation.

When these options are set to your requirements, click 'Play Game' to continue.
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