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Release Notes | Dual Monitor Tools 2.8.1

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In this page we post the official release notes and changelogs related to Dual Monitor Tools 2.8.1, if and as software developers make available these. However, if you need more info on Dual Monitor Tools 2.8.1, or relases notes are not available yet, you can always consider to read its description as well.

Dual Monitor Tools 2.8.1
Temporary release (all changes will be absorbed into 2.9)

DMT:General Monitors grid fix for sizes/areas of rotated monitors DMT:General Monitors grid, can now view / adjust contrast (if supported by monitor)

DMT:Cursor Introduced the concept of a group of primary monitors

When a group of primary monitors is specified, the "Allow cursor to return freely to the primary screen" can now be read as "Allow cursor to return freely to any monitor in the primary group". If a (valid) group of primary monitors is not specified, then the original functionality will be retained.

A GUI will be added for 2.9 to specify which monitors belong to the primary group. For now, it needs to be done my manually editing the DmtSettings.xml file. The location of this file can be determined from Options->"Dual Monitor Tools"->General->Settings".

Make sure DMT is not running when you edit this file. If you have 4 monitors, which would be 1, 2, 3, 4 and you want to make 2 and 3 act as the primary group, then add a line like:

within the ... block. (Note there are two underscore characters between "Cursor" and "PrimaryGroup".)

If you then start DMT and have sticky/locked cursor in force and the "Allow cursor to return freely to the primary screen" checked, then you will be able to move the cursor freely between screens 2 and 3 and onto these screens from the other screens, but the sticky/locked operation will apply if you try to move the cursor onto screens 1 and 4.
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