Latest library Glide3x for 3dfx video cards with support for GLide based software including games and official technology demos. This build of Glide3x works with latest official 3dfx drivers as well as newer anofficial drivers. Binaries for Linux, Dos, and Win32 are available to download. |

Newer library for 3dfx cards support with GLide based software. It works with your current 3dfx driver: see readme included in the archive or these following for more info about sw/hw compatibility and installation. Provided are binaries for Linux, Dos, and Win32
- Voodoo Banshee,Velocity 100/200,Voodoo3/4/5;
- Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP;
- Windows driver from 3dfx Interactive Inc.;
- DirectX 8.1a or newer runtime.
Backup glide3x.dll and copy the new file to the following directory:
- Windows 95/98/ME: \Windows\System;
- Windows NT4/2000: \Winnt\System32;
- Windows XP: \Windows\System32.
- glide3x.lib: MSC import library;
- libglide3x.a: MinGW import library;
- kit extension/size: zip/125kb.
Useful Links
Download latest SourceForge Glide3x driver for Win32, DOS, and Linux from
The Glide Project on SourceForge
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