Unreal Tournament, mesa fx 6.2

Started by baskapteijn, 28 April 2005, 10:45:29

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Hello everyone,

Maybe this had been said before, but I can't get Mesa 6.2 to work with Unreal Tournament (not 2k3 or 2k4.). How can I get it to work? Greetings, Bas


Why do you need MesaFX for Unreal Tournament ?
MesaFX is an OpenGL client, but UT supports the native Glide mode. No need to switch to OpenGL.


Well the reason for that is that when I play in Glide, everything runs fast and well. But when I start playing, something is bugging the graphics. Once in every 3 seconds you can see a minor framedrop. So, even when i play with 100 fps, i see that framedrop once in three seconds. It's pretty annoying. And it's only in glide and normal opengl on Ut. Don't know what it is... Really strange.


WickedGL is definitly the fastest driver (because of the forceable texturcompression): http://www.forum-3dcenter.de/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=2928499#post2928499


have you tried turning OFF the overclock on the V5?  also, which glide are you using?  and what package are you using to overclock with,  there is only ONE overclocking utility that will overclock BOTH chips.
Bloody Mess


What program would that be, to overclock both chips?


my PC:

AMD Athlon64 3200+ - ASUS K8V-Deluxe - 1GB DDR400 - 3DFX Voodoo 5 5500 PCI

3DAnalyze user guide:  https://www.3dfxzone.it/dir/articles/3d_analyze_user_guide/


someone post him the link to it would ya?.....
Bloody Mess



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