Doom3 + Voodoo2_Patch_v1_0

Started by Doom, 05 November 2004, 19:39:00

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Edit your Doom3_V2.bat and modify com_allowConsole 1 to com_allowConsole 0

All will be OK!


thanks will test it at evening :)


hmmm now i see the menu but the input devices don't run :(


That is voodoo 2 sli (from second page)

That is geforce 6200 (some guy trying to prove that gf6200 is a good card for its price)

My collection : Adrenaline Rush 3D Jazz, V2(12MB),V3-3000 AGP,V3-3500,V5-5500 AGP(with box)


I cant install this!!!! i dont know how can I unpack the pk3 files. where are these?????(i know the original is in d3\base)
AMD Athlon64 3200+@4200+, MSI K8N Neo4-F, 1gb Supertalent 480mhz, VooDoo 5 5500 Mac@PC


you must use some program that is able to unpack pak files,winrar for example,just google a bit..


ok, i unpack the pk's, and run the program, and its done. vhen im run the doom3_v2.exe, the program say: illegal operation, and shut down. i trying in this system: PII 500, 128mb ram, voodoo 5 5500, (lol?)
AMD Athlon64 3200+@4200+, MSI K8N Neo4-F, 1gb Supertalent 480mhz, VooDoo 5 5500 Mac@PC


i think there is something in doom3 that limits it from running on computers that are under 800mhz. the linux version seems to work though. i ran doom3 in linux on a p2 400. u need to upgrade for it to work properly in windows.


Ahh, I hate this PII... I tested my voodoo 5 in a PIII, Quake 3 is running at 100fps... and I tested in PII, = quake 3 is running whit 30 fps........ nightmare
AMD Athlon64 3200+@4200+, MSI K8N Neo4-F, 1gb Supertalent 480mhz, VooDoo 5 5500 Mac@PC


Do you Know what would be ##t hot    WELL some kind of glide wrapper for doom3 and it uses t buffer effects to finish the game of that would look fantastic.

MY Spec---> P4 2.80Ghz prescott
1024Mb PC3200 Geil Preformance Ram    B1219 ECS PF1 PHOTON P4 MOTHERBOARD 800FSB SATA
120Gb ata133 HDD sblive 5.1 BTC DVD/RW
3dFx Voodoo5 5500 PCI. :-)


ok vacantmind is not well :|... but he's got a point :D doom 3 on a 12MB 3d accellerater :D it's very cool :).

argh srry didn't see that the thread was 6 pages long :|
5Xvoodoo1 of various kind, 2X voodoo2(12MB), 1X voodoo2 (12MB, 110MHz ram)2X Voodoo3 2000 PCI, 2X Voodoo3 3000 AGP, 2XVoodoo3 3500 AGP(1 w/tvtuner, 1 w/o tvtuner) 1X voodoo4 4500 AGP, 1X powercolor L-Voodoo4 4500 AGP. 1XVoodoo5 5500AGP(used) 4XVoodoo5 5500PCI(unused!)


Does this patch work with the commercial version of Doom3 on WinXP, it keeps claiming that the file paths are invalid when I try installing it, and the Game won't start.



yes,it should work.note that there is a small grammatical error (no.5 should read "particles",not "partivles").other than that,it should work without problems if you follow the instructions:
1) unpack pak004.pk4 into Doom 3\base\
2) unpack pak002.pk4 into Doom 3\base\
3) unpack pak000.pk4\Materials into Doom 3\base\Materials
4) unpack pak000.pk4\Guis into Doom 3\base\Guis
5) unpack pak000.pk4\Particles into Doom 3\base\Partivles
6) add into your config  r_singlelight 0 (for better performance) !!!
7) run this Patch
8) Copy WickedGl 3.02(OpenGl32.dll) into Doom3 dir
9) run Doom3_V2.bat
make sure you have a real glide2x file (wont work with the wrapper).worked fine for me (Doom3 v1.0 full)..


Where do I get the files to unpack, they don't seem to be in the patch.



They are already in the game itself. ;)

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