SFFT alpha drivers - V3/4/5 - Join to Testing

Started by Glide, 22 May 2004, 17:02:06

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Can anyone please post 2-3 screenshots of Lotr: Battle For Middle Earth running on a Voodoo5 powered machine ? I would like to buy the game. :)

And thanks SFFT for all the effort on those drivers. :)


@ 3dfxundercover
Look at page 93 of this thread, there are some screenshots.


Thanks :D

Doesn't look too good.[8)]

Any details on the framerate ?


QuoteOriginally posted by 3dfxUndercover

Thanks :D
Doesn't look too good.[8)]
Any details on the framerate ?

Oh well, its a start. With drivers prior to Alpha 50 the game didn´t start at all, just the main menu worked.
I didnt measure the frames, but Mines of Moria was playable on a Voodoo4.


SFFT 52, 53 and now 54, all have the same overlay problem.


With alpha53 (not tried 54 yet) opening videos still takes much time (overlay issue)


Video Problem with Alpha 54 confirmed,
PowerDVD works real slow.
Battle for Middle Earth works again, well done SFFT !
The "Out_of_VideoMemory" error is still there, but not as often as with Alpha 52 !
Also the lags in battle in Codename:Panzers Phase 2 are still there, but not as severe as before.
Visual appearance of all tested games so far is identical to Alpha 53.


I've tested the Alpha 54 with my V3 2000 PCI using XP x86 SP2. Works fine!
Wheel of Time (Glide) runs without problems, Santa Claus in Trouble (:D) is playable up to 1600x1200x16, Max Payne and UT2004 also work, FlatOut 1 & 2 start, but the card isn't capable of displaying most of the textures. Half-Life 2 doesn't start anymore, but I don't know whether it worked months before. I guess no, because of lack of some features. Maybe I'll find some time to check with a V5.

Greetings from Germany,
The biggest Voodoo5 6000 test ever: http://3dcenter.de/artikel/voodoo5-6000/


Maybe SSFT Alpha 52 53 54 good to play some game But if you playing vodeos or opening some PDF FILES very slow
try this seting:
DESKTOP>DISPLAY properties>seting>Advance>



ok, here we go:

Rogue Trooper - same texture Fehler as in the previous versions.
Rush for Berlin - game exits with an error message.
Die Hard Nakatomi Platza - Works fine.
The Hell in Vietnam - game hängs - reboot needed.
Max Payne - same SLI Problem on my v5 6000 - tested at 1600x1200x32bit.

Any SFFT 54 release details ?

Btw: the pink square is visible again on v5 6000. in the previous version was not present ?!?

Tests were done using both cards: v5 5500 and v5 6000.
Follow your dreams !


Argh, the SLI ****up is still alive? Well, that helps me not missing my v56k ... ;)

Please, SFFT, kill this bug! :)

Greetings and thanks,
The biggest Voodoo5 6000 test ever: http://3dcenter.de/artikel/voodoo5-6000/


BMW M3 Challenge reports an error: "Insufficient video memory detected. A minimum of 32MB of free video memory required."
Tested on a v5 5500 PCI.
This error is also present with Alpha 53.
Glide isn't working, importing the glide2x dll from Alpha41 (which is a Glide 2x to 3x translator) give some color issues in UT99, but make it run.
my PC:

AMD Athlon64 3200+ - ASUS K8V-Deluxe - 1GB DDR400 - 3DFX Voodoo 5 5500 PCI

3DAnalyze user guide:  https://www.3dfxzone.it/dir/articles/3d_analyze_user_guide/


I tried Alpha 55 and glide now works, but with some color problems.
The same color problems appears also in Opengl.
BMW M3 Challenge now refuses to start, opening the configurator file gives the same insufficient memory error.
System Shock 2 works fine but the flickering hud remains.
Worms Armageddon shows in game and in menus horizontal black stripes that flickers and moves up and down.
my PC:

AMD Athlon64 3200+ - ASUS K8V-Deluxe - 1GB DDR400 - 3DFX Voodoo 5 5500 PCI

3DAnalyze user guide:  https://www.3dfxzone.it/dir/articles/3d_analyze_user_guide/


Thank you very much
SSFT alpha55 the overlay issue fixed  

I have new problem
We know regedit  


[0,1] for Voodoo4 4500 SingleChip only
0=Fastest Performance, 1=2-Sample Anti-Aliasing

[0,2,3,4] for voodoo5 5500 DualChip only
0=Single Chip Only,2=Fastest Performance,3=2 Sample Anti-Aliasing,4=4 Sample Anti-Aliasing

[0,5,6,7,8] for Voodoo5 6000 QuadChip only
0=Single Chip Only,5=Fastest Performance,6=2 Sample Anti-Aliasing,7=4 Sample Anti-Aliasing,8=8 Sample Anti-Aliasing

My VOODOO5 second VSA100 CHIP have problem
I¡¡must set it to Single Chip Only MODE both GLIDE and Direct3d
But After SSFT alpha52 I can't do it in direct3D,(GLIDE still ok)
driver always open two VSA100 and then my system hangup
Perhaps in the driver "0=2"???  both of them are "Fastest Performance" but they are different
or SSFT alpha52¡«55 driver don't support this SLI mode?
What should I do?