Voodoo 2 + SOF II [:D]

Started by skinnie, 01 November 2005, 12:09:52

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pentium 4 3200 prescott
asus p4p800s se
512 ram
western 4gb hdd
matrox millenium 2mb pci (modded) [8D]:D
creative v2 + stb v2 SLi (using fastvoodoo 4.6)

1024x768 all settings to low
must put the opengl32.dll of wickedgl folder to game's folder
fully playable but very dark..[B)]

MSI KT3/Athlon XP 2400+/2x256Mb OCZ BH5/3dfx Voodoo 3 3000 AGP


i have same darkness with voodoo2SLI and mesafx

my PC:

AMD Athlon64 3200+ - ASUS K8V-Deluxe - 1GB DDR400 - 3DFX Voodoo 5 5500 PCI

3DAnalyze user guide:  https://www.3dfxzone.it/dir/articles/3d_analyze_user_guide/


i can't play it with mesafx :S
MSI KT3/Athlon XP 2400+/2x256Mb OCZ BH5/3dfx Voodoo 3 3000 AGP


Maybe you just move gamma slider in control panel/tweaker, and set up brightness in game ;)

How about FPS if you'll set medium quality?


i can't see fps..even with fraps..:S but it was fully playable..no breaks
MSI KT3/Athlon XP 2400+/2x256Mb OCZ BH5/3dfx Voodoo 3 3000 AGP


QuoteOriginally posted by skinnie

i can't see fps..even with fraps..:S but it was fully playable..no breaks
you can't see fps, because it's too dark ?

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no..i can't even enter properly in the game (seeing things allright) with fraps..i don't know why..i've triede almost evry version of fraps..
MSI KT3/Athlon XP 2400+/2x256Mb OCZ BH5/3dfx Voodoo 3 3000 AGP


You mean you can't see the fps counter with the cg_drawFPS "1" command?


Hi Guys,

Have a look at the screenies I posted at http://www.3dfxzone.it/enboard/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=2150 but they are from the multiplayer version.

Actually I also noticed the single player gamma slider did not work and the game was dark, but the multiplayer version gamma works OK.
My XP home Collection...

Voodoo2 8Mb + Nvidia FX5200, Intel PIII-1.13Ghz, MS-6315
Voodoo5 5500 MAC PCI SLI, Intel PII 400, Intel P6LX-A+
Voodoo2 12Mb (SLI) + Geforce2 MX400, AMD K6-III+ 600Mhz, Jetway ALI 542C
Radeon 9250, Intel PIII 1Ghz, ABIT BE6
Radeon 9200SE, AMD K6-III+ 550Mhz, PC PARTNER VIA MVP3
Geforce 7800 GO, Centrino Duo 2.16Ghz, Dell Inspiron 9400


QuoteOriginally posted by agrelaphon

You mean you can't see the fps counter with the cg_drawFPS "1" command?

I didn't know that command for sof II,wich key shows the console?
MSI KT3/Athlon XP 2400+/2x256Mb OCZ BH5/3dfx Voodoo 3 3000 AGP


It is the tidle key "~", or shift + ~


well it didn't work for me :S
MSI KT3/Athlon XP 2400+/2x256Mb OCZ BH5/3dfx Voodoo 3 3000 AGP