Americas army

Started by Frost, 08 August 2005, 12:51:33

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i still cant get AA to work help me!!! i have a v3 what drivers ect. do i need.
Man i hate voodoo's


There is no AA for VooDoo 3. You will need a
VooDoo 4 or 5 to get AA. Or you need a fancy
Quantum3D setup.


Well, i think that Frost is speaking about America Army and not Anti Aliasing. ;)

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yes i do mean americas army
Man i hate voodoo's


Whoops, sorry about that [:I] Well if I'm not mistaking
the game is based on the Unreal 2 engine. In order to play
games based on this engine I had to force 32 bpp in the
3dfxtools. But since the VooDoo 3 has no support for 32 bit
I dont know if its possible to play this game on your machine.


I don't know if this game uses OpenGL or DirectX. UT2004 runs well, even in my Voodoo2 with this settings:

- Default Render is OpenGL (edit UT2004.ini). Note that UT2004.ini is a configuration file and in Americas Army it must have another name). Delete symbol ; from the OpenGL render and put ; before D3D, D3D9 and Pixo renders.
- It needs MesaFX (with variable 'MAX_LOD 10'). Put Opengl32.dll in System directory.
- In configuration file (UT2004.ini) search 'use16bitsTextures=0' and modify it to 'use16bitsTextures=1'

Give it a try and tell if AA (Americas Army) ;) works.