
Started by Geri, 11 November 2006, 03:08:36

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a huge thanks Geri!!!

i'll test all your hard work with my voodoo4 evilking TV ;)
in special, an opengl plugin for a nintendo 64 emu (Rice Video)

i really really like ThunderGL


PS: keep up your excellent work *_*


Very basic hardware OpenGL deacceleration for
S3 ViRGE DX/GX 4.0 Mbyte
(windows xp)

Quake 3 - menu + S3 ViRGE DX/GX

Quake 2 ingame + S3 ViRGE DX/GX

(sssh, scarry to know, but once some ppls are asked money for this vga }:-> )


QuoteOriginally posted by Geri Or if ppls very very want this game, i will try to create a modifyed Voodoo5 bios with costum device ID.)

Farcry on a Voodoo5 would be a Milestone. I really want this game [^]


Yeah, a bug-free and playable FarCry in DX7 mode would be amazing! :)

Btw, what about Serious Sam 2 in OGL mode? It has one, if I recall correctly.

Greetings from Germany,
The biggest Voodoo5 6000 test ever:


far cry has a built-in execution prevention system-once a 3dfx card is detected,it will bail you way around this yet,to launch the game,you need to defeat this first.

I was able to launch the game on some old intel integrated graphics,so FC on a V5 is real (but it will look terrible,probably)..



On thes picture, is a damaged non-stock ATi Radeon 9800PRO
is visible, with original, hughe cooling on it.
Screenshots also from it. Card has unknown origin.
I am not sure what happended with it, no visible problem with it.


Anti-vga-artifact version of ThunderGL helping us, to play OpenGL games with defected, memory-doomed, or pipeline burned VGA cards.

Anti-vga-artifact is included in the package from now.
Happy use.


very usefull!
does it work also with drivers made artifacts?
my PC:

AMD Athlon64 3200+ - ASUS K8V-Deluxe - 1GB DDR400 - 3DFX Voodoo 5 5500 PCI

3DAnalyze user guide:




Awesome job Geri, can you add support for Matrox cards based on the G400 core (G400,G400MAX and G450).

with the lastest drivers from matrox i have this results in glview 2.30:

Core features

v1.1 (100 % - 7/7)
v1.2 (12 % - 1/8)
v1.3 (0 % - 0/9)
v1.4 (0 % - 0/15)
v1.5 (0 % - 0/3)
v2.0 (0 % - 0/10)
v2.1 (0 % - 0/3)



QuoteOriginally posted by Geri Or if ppls very very want this game, i will try to create a modifyed Voodoo5 bios with costum device ID.)
Yupe, it would be nice!!! [^]

ps. Keep up the good work.



GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object will be emulated and supported on all card (this is a necessary vertex buffering mechanism that needed for all modern games to upload the vertex directly to the gpu, to avoid agp transfer. New games wont start without this, becouse they are using draw operation of this extension, so all function of this extension mus be emulated). I almost finished it, it is alreday working. (newest mesafx alreday supports this)


ok, it seems i finished GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object (well, currently vbo and ibo works only with float vertices, oh well) now i will add multitexture ability (GL_ARB_multitexture) to all cards.

btw, if somebody know any opensource gl->d3d wrapper, say it, i want to leave the tgl->wgl->evoodoo wrapping.


Well, GL_ARB_multitexture probably finished, but currently it is untested.
(only 3d, no 2d vertex support for this right now.)


Fixed some X1900 series Radeon bug: now ANSA will be start with this card.