LegendgrafiX VooDooMage 2 WindowsXP D3D GL OGL

Started by Geri, 26 November 2004, 22:34:51

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Xasd, the fix for your problem is the 2.2.0


Geri thanks for your patience.

Today I have reinstalled WinXP in my computer to install your drivers for the first time. I haven't a lot of time to play some games since this morning, but I have proven UnrealTournament'99 and runs very well in Glide and D3D. Something is wrong with this game in OpenGL, because it runs very slow (1 fps).

Now I have no problem with Desktop Corruptions, but I have to prove a lot of games. I'll tell you more when I have proven more games ;)



The problem was the following winth 2.0.0:

you may copyed the mismatched+radeon fix to the WinXP/System directory. This is wrong, the 2.0.0 re-owerwrite this files with the original dll-s.

Who may use 2.0.0, and want to use the mismatched package, the must download 2.2.0. This version not need the mismatched package!




The most files is now restored.

The driver is downloadable again.


Geri, I salute you!

Very interesting driver, you just broke up 3dfx and M$! :)

They simply said in the past it is impossible to use D3D on Voodoo 2 in Windows 2000/XP. But you already know it and I am glad to see they were both wrong.

Of course, you have many things to do with the driver. It is not the best solution to start the games with drag & drop to Voodoo2 icon. Isn't there any way to use V2 as an ordinary display adapter? Perhaps you are already going there...

Also, not everything is translated to English.

If you are interested, I can help you to translate the messages, help, etc. to some other languages - Bulgarian, Russian.


From now, my page will be available at http://3dfx.tk
The design will be improved soon.

SEG_Striker: Thanks! I think i will ask you!


The page has been updated.
I hope you will enjoy the new design.




In-ter-ac-tive :
The way video games were always meant to be played

Welcome to 3dfxzone.it Community


there isn't an english version of your site?
p.s. nice work:)
my PC:

AMD Athlon64 3200+ - ASUS K8V-Deluxe - 1GB DDR400 - 3DFX Voodoo 5 5500 PCI

3DAnalyze user guide:  https://www.3dfxzone.it/dir/articles/3d_analyze_user_guide/


WoW, your new style is fantastic xD

And Geri, I have news for you. I have been proving a lot of games with version 2.20 of your driver and it works very well. I haven't desktop curruptions, but due this driver is a beta of 3dfx, in some games there are some graphicals errors that may be fixed.

Here are two games that I have found that have errors:

Image Insert:

32.51 KB

Image Insert:

33.15 KB

but games normaly works fine and do not have this errors. I'll continue proving games so stay tuned for results.

I hope your international webpage will release soon to post goods news ;)


Xasd: thanks for the screen shots.
I have soul reaver: legacy of kain, and i will chek the game.

But now it a lot of problems, and i have no time for the driver. I hope i get time, and i can fix this bugs.


here is you special version :D
unpack - rename the 125_Voodoo2.exe to Voodoo2.exe and replace the Voodoo2 in system32.
Start the voodoo2.exe -s control panel and save.
I not tested this rev, but i hope your Voodoo2 will be run at 125 mhz.
The clock versions are not adjustable, the card will be work at 125 mhz.
Be careful with this rev, the driver / windows can be damaged... And i hope your card realy support 125 mhz!


Geri, what is exactly the proper setup for V2 to work in dx mode in WinXP? I have no "real" card right now, just my ol'Rush and V2 SLI combined together; I installed your driver (220) and tried my luck with some old titles, none of them worked, even the "legitimate dx7" ones - still the same error, "cannot create primary surface", UT also falls back to software mode - DX9 issue? Glide is OK (SLI works). Greetz, Ent.
"The board authorized you? Hm. The board doesn't know the first thing about science. All they want is something to make them more money, a product. Don't worry...they'll get their product..." - dr Malcolm Betruger


On my computer the "cannot create primary surface" bug is may appear if i start a game, but the game works. Very strange bug... Try tro replace the rush to other 2d card.