Post your 3dfx systems !

Started by Obi-Wan Kenobi, 09 November 2009, 01:14:17

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Obi-Wan Kenobi

Hi all

Post your 3dfx systems! That is the idea, since it would be nice to see what the people of have been constructing all this time ;)

So to bring back my 3dfx life to a better spot, I have been re-building my 3dfx system since it was needed, the cables were kinda messy and now it has gotten alot neater so here we go :)

It's running now :) I did decide to keep the original flat cables , because of the small case thesewere much easier to fold and store away, them rounded ones were too stiff, so I left them aside.

It looks like this now :)


Also what I did was replace the Lockheed F19 Stealth Fighter with Gold Leader's Y-Wing Starfighter, as being Gold Leader, this does fit my system alot more  [8D]



Win2K is running top notch it boots fast, runs stable and no lockups yet at low, medium and high loads.

DXX-Rebirth runs perfect too, this time I did not need to change the reso manually from 800 c600, leav e the program boot it again and then manually to 1024 x 768, this time it just booted at 800 x 600 and I could change the reso within the game and without leaving it and go back and change it again.

This is still needed under 98SE, XP and Vista, so odd that 2000 does not have this issue.

Anyways not that it matters it has 2000 and so far everything is running fine, I'll make some pics today and post them, only the system needs is a 4 ported PCI USB card and a game drive of 500GB from Western Digital.

As you can  see the molex power connector is available and for the rest the layout and FF, System is runn;'n just fine  8)


Here the Voodoo5 in action!


Here the rear side of the V5:


So here's my system so far, it's content of games is low because I don't have that new HDD yet.

But so far so good!  [8D]




All the systems togeather [:I]

Powered By The Force, x-3dfx & The Jedi Academy

Obi-Wan Kenobi

QuoteOriginally posted by ms-dos

you want the specs of are 3dfx PCs or pics of them
either way i have two 3dfx pc

the one i run most of the time is
3dfx voodoo 5500 agp
abit be6-2 motherboard
300 mgb  pc 100 ram
sound blaster 128 pci
Pentium 3 1ghz
isa pnp 10mbit Ethernet card
20 gig hard disk
250w power-supple
win 98 2008 edition:D
not official but vary good  

as for the other one it is a
voodoo 5500 agp
msi 645 motherboard
Pentium 4 2GHz
1 gigb ddr ram
80 gig hard disk
56x cd-r dive
sound blaster x-fi pci
linksys 10/100 Ethernet card

voodoo 5500 a41 custom ? what that

Feel free to post pics or not, that is all up to you man ;)

The driver I use is a modified version of SFFT Alpha 41, ps47 modified it, he made it better so that Glide games perform better with FSAA enabled for NTFS Operating Systems like Windows 2K Pro + SP4 & WinXP Pro + SP3 [8D]

But if I want to play X-Wing Alliance I have to switch back to Amigamerlin 3.1 R11, odd thing, with SFFT A41 Modified by 47 I get no flightdecks and also no enemies can be seen, wierd heh [B)]
Powered By The Force, x-3dfx & The Jedi Academy

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Any other lads here with cool 3dfx PC's show 'em people!  :D :D :D

QuoteOriginally posted by ms-dos

well my pc case  is not as good as your's  but wen i get time i'll take sum pics

have you play x-win verses the tie fighter  
its not a Glide but its a 3d game
it dose not run right on now video cards
i wonder if the game still online  

uhm as owner of all Starwars games, X-Wing versus Tie-Fighter is one of them and yes it uses 3dfx Glide, yes I have played it and all the others, X-Wing Alliance is a lot better though, which uses the Quake III Arena Engine aka id Tech 3 engine.

I use 3dfx cards for retro games and New-Gen GeForce and Radeons for the New-Gen games, my advice, it works best this way [8D]
Powered By The Force, x-3dfx & The Jedi Academy


I've become unemployed recently and thought that I'll have the time to build a good 3Dfx system for those old games.

So far I've got to decide between VooDoo2 in SLi and my VooDoo 5500 agp.

And I just bought the motherboard and cpus.
Tyan Tiger MPX with 2 Athlon MP 2400+ and 2gbs of RAM.



voodoo 5500 agp
msi 645 motherboard
Pentium 4 2GHz
1 gigb ddr ram
80 gig hard disk
56x cd-r dive
sound blaster x-fi pci
linksys 10/100 Ethernet card
geforce 8400 pci  

gust got my self a thermaltake Kandalf LCS PC case [:p]:D[:p]:D

there is a small drawer in the case :D


Might not be a system , but here's my stack of 3dfx stuff I still have in here (and none can be used in my current PC, I don't even have PCI slots on this motherboard, all PCI-E 16x ;):

2x Voodoo 1---------------------------To the left, in the middle
4x Voodoo 2 12MB----------------------Top left (under the Diamond Box)
1x Voodoo Rush------------------------In the plastic casing on the top
1x Voodoo Banshee AGP-----------------At the bottom, to the right
1x Voodoo Banshee PCI-----------------Far bottom right
1x Voodoo 3 2000 PCI------------------At the bottom, to the left
2x Voodoo 3 2000 AGP------------------Far bottom left corner
4x Voodoo 3 3000 AGP------------------In the Middle
1x Voodoo 3 3500 TV AGP---------------To the left above the 3000s AGP
3x Voodoo 4 4500 AGP------------------The L shaped cards to the left in the middle
1x Voodoo 5 5500 PCI------------------Hard to miss, top left corner :)
1x 3dfx Hammerhead FX Controller------To the right above the 3000s AGP

and I'm awaiting an additionnal batch from someone at work that had piles of old PC stuff, I told him to keep everything written "3dfx" on and bring 'em to me. he got them, waiting now :)

P.S. I'm a PC tech working in a local shop, I often see 3dfx cards go by so I grab each one of them and bring them home :)


Recently pulled from my attic and not used since 2000..I replaced the old crystal soundcard,Quantum bigfoot 4gb HD,dead PSU and IBM 6x86 pr300 CPU to its current config below.

DFI K6XV3+/66 socket 7
AMD k6-2 500afx
384mb pc-100 ram
soundblaster CT4170 Vibra isa
Matrox g200/mil agp 8mb
Diamond monster voodoo2 8mb
winsys 300 psu(12v+ 18amp)
sil ata133 ide/pci card
maxtor ata100 20gb
Creative 4x dvd (1998)
52x cd rom

Been looking for my original sli cable to hook up the second voodoo2 but not having much luck:D


New Build finished today and working 100%

Intel D815EEA2 / D815EPEA2 socket 370
Intel P-III 1.4 Tualatin
80gb maxtor IDE ata100
384MB pc-100 ram
Green 580W PSU(12V+ 28a)
52x Cd rom & IDE CD/DVD combo drive
1.44 Floppy Drive
Diamond Monster Voodoo2 8MB

Iam using the 815 onboard for the 2d and won a 4mb AIMM AGP expasion card from ebay for 2$USD..Playing NFS3 with no lag at all..Ill be installing more NFS games over the week..This machine works perfectly.This week iam also making a sli ribble cable to hook up the second Voodoo2.Once again ..thanks to all:D


QuoteOriginally posted by TheJohnKerrys

New Build finished today and working 100%

Intel D815EEA2 / D815EPEA2 socket 370
Intel P-III 1.4 Tualatin
80gb maxtor IDE ata100
384MB pc-100 ram
Green 580W PSU(12V+ 28a)
52x Cd rom & IDE CD/DVD combo drive
1.44 Floppy Drive
Diamond Monster Voodoo2 8MB

Iam using the 815 onboard for the 2d and won a 4mb AIMM AGP expasion card from ebay for 2$USD..Playing NFS3 with no lag at all..Ill be installing more NFS games over the week..This machine works perfectly.This week iam also making a sli ribble cable to hook up the second Voodoo2.Once again ..thanks to all:D
with a rig like that I'd get a VOODOO 5500. But two VOODOO 2's in sli are good to.


I have a 5500 coming i just might do that..I built this box just to play older games pre 2001 so the onboard does fine..but when i was diggin for that board i also found a Creative GeForce 2 ultra,with all the ram sinks that kicked with the P3's


Just one 3dfx system...:)

Intel Pentium III 650MHz (CuMine) on Asus CUBX-L motherboard (Intel 440BX AGPset based) and with 512MB of A-DATA PC-133 SDRAM @ CL2, a Quantum Fireball Plus AS 20GB @ 7200RPM HDD, a Creative Audigy (I) and the 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 64MB AGP. This machine runs Windows XP Pro with SP3 and Unreal Tournament in GLide mode, of course :).

Bye bye


I love my little oldschool machine, it's a simple white micro atx case,
Pentium 3 600MHz, 128MB RAM, 40GB Seagate HDD, and most importantly: Voodoo 4.



QuoteOriginally posted by Obi-Wan Kenobi

Hi all

Post your 3dfx systems! That is the idea, since it would be nice to see what the people of have been constructing all this time ;)

So to bring back my 3dfx life to a better spot, I have been re-building my 3dfx system since it was needed, the cables were kinda messy and now it has gotten alot neater so here we go :)

It's running now :) I did decide to keep the original flat cables , because of the small case thesewere much easier to fold and store away, them rounded ones were too stiff, so I left them aside.

It looks like this now :)


Also what I did was replace the Lockheed F19 Stealth Fighter with Gold Leader's Y-Wing Starfighter, as being Gold Leader, this does fit my system alot more  [8D]



Win2K is running top notch it boots fast, runs stable and no lockups yet at low, medium and high loads.

DXX-Rebirth runs perfect too, this time I did not need to change the reso manually from 800 c600, leav e the program boot it again and then manually to 1024 x 768, this time it just booted at 800 x 600 and I could change the reso within the game and without leaving it and go back and change it again.

This is still needed under 98SE, XP and Vista, so odd that 2000 does not have this issue.

Anyways not that it matters it has 2000 and so far everything is running fine, I'll make some pics today and post them, only the system needs is a 4 ported PCI USB card and a game drive of 500GB from Western Digital.

As you can  see the molex power connector is available and for the rest the layout and FF, System is runn;'n just fine  8)


Here the Voodoo5 in action!


Here the rear side of the V5:


So here's my system so far, it's content of games is low because I don't have that new HDD yet.

But so far so good!  [8D]




All the systems togeather [:I]


hey, where can i get the side 3DFX stickers from?
3DFX.. the way it was meant to be played. ;) lol
3D mark 2001: 2671

3dfx voodoo5 5500 PCI
DFi LAN Party NF4 sli-D
AMD Athlon 64 3500+ @2.21GHz
2GB DDR400 ram
250 GB maxtor HDD


3DFX.. the way it was meant to be played. ;) lol
3D mark 2001: 2671

3dfx voodoo5 5500 PCI
DFi LAN Party NF4 sli-D
AMD Athlon 64 3500+ @2.21GHz
2GB DDR400 ram
250 GB maxtor HDD