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Messages - didi_dudikov

Yes it's true. My voodoo velocity 100 and 55k work with wide screen. Now i'm working with 1440x900 with acer AL170W and ssft15.
You have to add the resolution configuration manually (hope it will add in the future). just open 3dfxvs2k.inf and add the following line


or with your case


it should work.
WC3 Reign of Chaos, when using opengl, some object (building, tree, land etc) missing. (sometime only part of it)
I'v try to use the original opengl driver or mesa driver but i got the same result.

but the good news is when using mesa driver I got dramatically speed increasing.

It's good driver to keep voodoo beter
-1024x768 16bpp high detail perfect
-1024x768 32bpp high detail BSOD appear "IRQ_NOT_EQUAL_OR_LESS"
OK, i got this message.

'The 3dfxvs display driver has stooped working normaly.
Save your work and reboot the system to restore full display fuctionality.
The nextme you reboot the machine,
a dialog will be displayed gving you chance to upload data about
this faiulure to mcrosoft.'

I also upload same screenshoot and dump file that mey be usefull

Download Attachment:
52.86 KB
I an not yet tried to disable auto restart. I'll try it soon.
 Even if i run the game in window mode, there is un usual image like corrupt image in the game window and outsite window, then system freeze. 5 - 10 seconds later computer will be blank and (hard) reboot without warning. sometime BSOD appear, sometime not.

 This hapen since I use SFFTbeta48 and later. I'v try SFFTbeta45-47 it's fine.
BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) say something about 3dfx.dll. sorry BSOD apear too fast to read.

 it only hapen when i use 32bit color depth with game 'MADCAP' from gamehouse. it is not hapen if i use SFFTbeta45 or AMIGAMERLIN.

 Program 'wizmark' also not work. it say something about z buffer canot alocated.
There is speed increasing in SFFT 1.2. I'v test with 3dmark2001 SFFT1.1 has 600 as result, but SFFT1.2 has 800. But Amigamerlin R11 has beter one it has 1388 as result value. but Amigamerlin has some glitch in same game.

 Game 'madcaps' from game house freeze and computer sudenly reboot. sometime BSOD appear before reboot. it olny happen when i use 32bit color depth. and never hapen with 16bit.

 Thanks for this great driver.

CPU  : Celeron 1G
MEM  : 512m
VGA  : voodoo5 5500 agp