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Messages - dmoser

Probably my second chip is dead. Because if I disable it using the V.Control, if works perfectly.
I think it doesn't is XP problem.
I'm using a Asus A8N-E.
Thanks for the Help!
Hello everybody!

I've a problem: my Voodoo5 5500 PCI only works with de Windows XP SP2 built-in driver.
(My BIOS version is the 1.18, took from this site.)
I've tried many driver: SFFT-Alpha35, AMIGAMERLIN3.1, VoodooXtreme_1.07.01... When one of these drivers are instaled, when I open any program that uses OpenGl ou D3D (Dx) the computer stops! And I have to restart manually...
I realized one interesting thing: all drivers show 64MB of video memory in my card, less the windows' driver, that show 32MB of memory.
I think the problem is related to the 33-64MB memory chip. Can this be possible? How can I use my Voodoo5 5500 only with 32MB?
Any help are welcome!
Daniel Moser
dmoser at