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Messages - Risky50

QuoteOriginally posted by Glide

Hi Risky50,

tnx a lot for both your time and this report.

Well, I ask a feedback to other members about this tutorial. And so please specify your hardware and software configuration too and, of course, which issue (mapmem error and/or Vista compatibility) was solved for your system.

Thanks for contribution.

Bye bye

err.. What do you mean? I don't get you. I believe everything is there.
Hi People.
I have a potential PC that always give me this " Mapmen returned an error " when trying to map memory  problem.
[All 3 Windows, which is 2K Pro, XP Pro and Vista Ultimate)

I saw the post Mapmen returned at .
This works my another PC very well, but it doesn't work on my potential PC. I have download almost all drivers at and mess around with Fastvoodoo 3.X 2.X 4.X Mesa Legend...etc . till I Am CraZY!

Thank God, I got it working... :D

My Potential PC specs is
Tyan S2469
AMD MP 2800+ 2 Processors
Geforce FX 5200
2 X Voodoo2 SLI [Genius card SLI with Creative card]
1 X Audigy Soundcard.

I spend one week trying to resolve this issue and I [think] I had overcome the impossible.

This tweak is simple, and I had reinstall all 3 operating system countless times, to make sure this works for me & u. I would just like to share it with you guys.

First, Get the drivers...
I use 2.5.0


On XP (Memory Fix)
Note: The idea behind this, is to make it work! This tweak is to fix the problem & it has nothing to do with optmizing or improve the graphic perfomance.

Install the Driver for XP according to their documentation that comes with it.

Just double click voodoo2.exe on your desktop and adjust/configure it, OR... (see below - On XP and 2K: (Memory Fix) (Vista - Glide Only))

Win2K & Vista:(Memory Fix and A way to allow Glide/3DFX to be played in Vista/Win2K)

I found the use Windows Vista with this simple guide (SlI or Single Card) :

All you need to do, is to update the driver in Device Manager, with the LegendgrafiX VooDooMage2 XP, by updating the Voodoo2 with the correct driver:-

If you have 2 MisMatched card, then install
3DFX Voodoo2 SLI(secondary MisMatched) for both of it.

If you have 2 identical/Matched card, then install
3DFX Voodoo2 SLI(secondary Matched) for both of it.

If you have 1 single card, then install
3DFX Voodoo2 SLI(secondary Matched/MisMatched)

DO NOT ATTEMPT to install Voodoo2 itself, as it will not install with VISTA/2K Correctly!

On XP and 2K: (Memory Fix) (Vista - Glide Only)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\3Dfx Interactive\Voodoo2]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\3Dfx Interactive\Voodoo2\D3D]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\3Dfx Interactive\Voodoo2\Glide]

Whatever is above, Copy and Paste it in notepad, save as Example.reg and run it. That's about it!

I ran Unreal Tournament, and Diablo2 in Vista! The loading is just slightly (a little noticable) slower in vista compare with XP, but the gameplay awesome (In term of speed, not graphic quality).

In my analyst, I think it is slightly more smoother but (noticable) I can feel that it is faster than XP, during Gameplay. As far as quality is concern, I think they are both the same.

I hope this help for those who wants to install Voodoo2 in Vista.

I sincerely hope that someone will come up a driver support for Vista too, although, I know it is not possible, as it is using DirectX10 API, but nevertheless,

"Everything is possible..." [8D]
Ok.. here's the additional screenshots...

Image Insert:

321.4 KB

Image Insert:

318.26 KB

Image Insert:

325.19 KB

Image Insert:

301.55 KB

Image Insert:

309.77 KB

Image Insert:

319.36 KB

Image Insert:

215.12 KB

Image Insert:

337.86 KB

Image Insert:

328.21 KB

YEAP... all of these, runnin 20-30 FPS... it fluctuate too!
I did not over clock my card, its just how it is! It is playable, not very smooth, but it's fine with me.

As long as it dont lag during raid.. :)

Do leave feedback. I did not over clock anything, and I do not know how to overclock! ^^

Voodoo5 5500 RISE! =)
It was 30.. sometimes 20, when running outside.

Nope, the card was not overclock at all cause!

It was running "okay" speed. It is playable, and at certain camera angle, it did lag a little, but it was playable.

The WOW game, will not work nicely with OpenGL.
I just has to be Direct 3D.
Im going to get myself Voodoo4 AGP Soon. I post up more screenshot once I have the time.

Im not sure if 2 SLI Voodoo2 cards with windows98 is capable of WOW, but Im planning on testing it next month, if I have the PC ready. Im using Athlon XP 3200? is this correct? I remembered buy the processor at higher speed when it was available, but Im not sure whats Athlon XP MAX speed! =)
Hi guys,
Im running:
Windows2000 (Non SP4) Original
AMD Athlon XP (The MAX Hertz, I forgotten the speed)
Latest Via Hyperion Today's date.
160HDD Western Digital.
Voodoo5 5500 AGP
SFFT Alpha Drivers (Current driver).
17" Monitor.
SB Live Value! (Creative Soundcard)

Voodoo5 is OLD, but it is also a graphic card.
Graphic + OLD = GOLD!

=) I have a decent 50 FPS in the house, and 30 FPS when Im outside the house.
Running on 1280X1024! I never Overclock the graphic card, nor the processor. It is what it is!

Check it out! (I will upload more later)

Sweet, I can play. The game is nice. However, the sad part is, OpenGL sucks in WOW (It shows 3Dfx logo before it start).
It has to be played in Direct3D. Im going to upload more picture! so, stay tune!