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Messages - LW_Hearse

Hi again,

The vendor of the chips is Toshiba and there are a string of numbers( can't read em clearly without pulling the card out, disconnecting fans etc etc) followed by T-60


Good question, Where would I find these numbers? I know the card itself came from Hong Kong.


I'm wondering about what people feel are the best mods for a v5500 pci. In terms of bios,cooling,settings and any other factors. As far as cooling size of heatsinks is a factor. I don't want to go too large.

What do you think?

Thanks [?]:D

Whether I was using voodoo2 or voodoo 5 inevitably when running my favorite game I would experience complete screen freeze necessitating system reboot. At first, I thought cooling was the issue so installed those nice tennmax coolers on my v2 but now with a new V5500 pci the problems still happens usually once or twice an hour. Last night it accompanied an advisory under xp about loop error and changing drivers and whatnot. Now that begs the question, What does one do about these loop errors and how do I stabilize the system so they occur less frequently. This has been happening both on my pentium 3 rig and my relatively new pentium 4 rig.

 As my favorite game RB3D requires being aloft for several hours in tournament competitions. These freezeups both result in pointloss and annoyance so any suggestions would be helpful.

S! Hearse

For one there is no set tex mem to 2mb in the tools( which you have to do with promised Land terrains anyway) and usually that creates black patches and graphic aberrations not undrawn green tiles marking the horizon. I tried v4 runner but the combination of Amigamerlin tools and V4 resulted in terrible fps rates so I dumped the v4 runner. I may have to return to 3dhq drivers as although the tools menu was not to be desired at least it worked.

S! from Hearse
Hello sorry that's Amigamerlin drivers. For some reason my eyes always plays tricks with that name.

Here's what I'm seeing in the above problem. Usually you see haze and terrain.

~Thanks all

Image Insert:

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Just upgraded my v2's to a V5500 Pci and encountered the following problem which I think may be setting related. The above drivers for XP are quite nice but the terrain panels for Red Baron 3d at the horizon were not being drawn correctly remaining a flat green and being drawn as one flew closer.

Someone else suggested a driver problem so I tried the 3dhq drivers and the problem disappeared, however I was not satisfied with picture quality and the lack of tools in the menu and decided to uninstall 3dhq's tools and keep the driver and replace 3dhq tools with the amergaimlin tools. When I did that the green undrawn panels returned which led me to think that the driver itself was not the problem but something in the settings. Any suggestions? I tried both "the best settings" and default with the same result.

~Thanks from  hearse

Just upgraded my v2's to a V5500 Pci and encountered the following problem which I think may be setting related. The above drivers for XP are quite nice but the terrain panels for Red Baron 3d at the horizon were not being drawn correctly remaining a flat green and being drawn as one flew closer.

Someone else suggested a driver problem so I tried the 3dhq drivers and the problem disappeared, however I was not satisfied with picture quality and the lack of tools in the menu and decided to uninstall 3dhq's tools and keep the driver and replace 3dhq tools with the amergaimlin tools. When I did that the green undrawn panels returned which led me to think that the driver itself was not the problem but something in the settings. Any suggestions? I tried both "the best settings" and default with the same result.

~Thanks from  hearse
still no answer~ Iguess its old v2 drivers for me.

MesaFX / MesaFX installation Tutorials
15 April 2004, 14:18:12

Next question. I'm using APK3dfx Tuning Engine and it has a voodoo2 ini file editor. They don't go there. Right? So do they go in the registry under environment? I'm not sure how to make a autoexec.bat file as well.

I love tinkering with the V2's but much is beyond me . Anyway thanks in advance~

MesaFX / MesaFX installation Tutorials
14 April 2004, 15:09:46

That's all fine and dandy but what does one do with those environment variables. Do they go in the registry? an ini file or what? Help me understand.

Thanks ~Hearse
Waiting waiting
Still waiting for a RB3D fix :D

So do you need a driver change or just a glide driver change for RB3d?
Wha glide.dll does fast voodoo use and what should I change to use the fast voodoo driver?

Thanks from hearse
Salute 3dfxer's

 While playing Red Baron 3d, I see faint horizontal lines waving back and forth on the screen. While these are not a big problem, I still feel image quality could be a bit better. Is there something, I might be missing to fine tune the image a bit so the waves disapear. I don't seem to have the problem with other games and image quality is very nice. Any suggestions?

Thanks ~ LW Hearse