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Messages - enthomologist

Voodoo2 Discussions / mismatched v2's
27 June 2005, 23:02:23
@Martin Benz:
Ever heard of this?
Games / G L I D E - G A M E Z
23 June 2005, 20:44:50
Shogo: MAD is a d3d title (and so is Blood 2, AvP, NOLF and every title based on that engine), the rest is simply OpenGL stuff (but as long it uses glide on Voodoo - hardware, we don't bother:-P). But why not to change this list into something like: "Games that natively run on a Voodoo" :-)
QuoteOriginally posted by Geri

New version available.

-may a bit slower than 2.0.0
-i forgot transalating some texts

Why exactly? Is this because of tweaks that had been finally made towards stability instead of performance, or new glide renderers mixed in? If this is a registry settings issue, what can we play with? D'led the driver, must check this "d3d 1K" weirdo myself[:p] Greetz, Ent.
Speaking of Diablo 2 again - works 100% perfectly with this "night-build" driver, nice speed (1.02 glide renderer).
Very fine so far - i noticed a speed improvement in Unreal Tournament (SLI), not saying about an excellent image quality as for a Voodoo2. What about that Diablo 2 issue? I decided to bring that old sleeping monster to live...with an old glide renderer,of course. We'll see. Anyway, great job, Koolsmoky, as always - please keep it that way, and we'll end up porting Half-Life 2 to glide rendering:-D
General Discussions / Voodoo1 w. 8MB
27 April 2005, 12:14:52
First of all, a bit of history. They WERE actually 6MB Voodoo 1 boards (Canopus Pure3D/Miro HighScore), not talking of Quantum - Obsidian boards, and not putting Rushes into this. However, they were not of a regular design. The board on that picture looks like a pure classic one, but: i have a 12 MB Voodoo 2 with 1MB memory chips (12 total, one side only) - perhaps this board uses a "stronger" RAM, too...
Games / G L I D E - G A M E Z
29 March 2005, 14:28:18
Aquanox supporting long i've been living in ignorance! :D Also there is still an empty space in this list, let me add Divine Divinity (2002), Wheel of Time (1999), Nerf Arena Blast (1999), Klingon Honor Guard (1999), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Fallen (2000), to name a few. Some titles are not "native glide" games however, like Quakes, SiN, Hexen 2, Serious Sam 1&2 and already mentioned Hitman 2 (all opengl ones).
I see now that you have a Velocity 100 board that comes with secondary TMU disabled via registry. Although Glide (and so OpenGL) multitexturing can be easily activated in an appropriate registry key (as PS47 described it to you) i have no idea how to obtain it in D3D. Don't bother with name-strings, apps easily got fooled. Regs, Ent.
It's Banshee section in this forum, so you should ask Raziel64 directly when regarding the stability/issues with the Evolution drivers. For choppy performance, well, remember that Banshee has no multitexture support, so don't expect too much (some games even refuse to launch). If it's Mesa GL driver that makes you trouble with Q3, try at the appropriate section also available. Regards, Ent.
What's your card in details, anyway?
To me it looks like both boards are 12MB each, just using different capacity chips than most models in that times - with "double-sided" V2s, there were either 4 (for 8MB versions) or 12 (for 12MB ones) additional chips on the back (1 chip = 512KB). For example i have a Powercolor V2 board based on the same design, 12MB VRAM. Didn't know that other brands were using it though.
First off, if you are running WinXP, the system's native drivers for your videocard are hardware, but with limited features. Quake 3 is sluggish because of running in OpenGL emulation mode via D3D - you can check this in Q3 "system" tab, under "gl driver info". Speaking of the board itself, i think it's just fine, the problem may be either your PSU or mainboard's s****y AGP implementation. Since I was having countless stability problems with Banshee/V3 in the past (MVP3 was a nightmare), i suggest: 1 - uninstall vendor's AGP drivers if you have previously installed them; 2 - turn off some hardware like CD-drives or some expansion-cards, to clarify the issue; this will also inform you about any existing hardware conflicts.
Sorry, no "set" in the string of course, already too late for typing...  :)
Hey, if you're getting pinkies in SLI, put
"SET SSTV2_VIDEO_24BPP" (without quotes) string with value of "0" into your glide environment (regedit -> hkey_local_machine\3Dfx Int.\Voodoo2\Glide). May this help you, Ent.
Quake 1 will go accelerated when you'll get GlQuake port - try googling. Duke3D won't rather go though although there was some OpenGL port in the past running along but known to be troublesome. SLI works if you can get 1024x768 mode working - so don't bother. Refresh rate can be set all the way up your monitor can handle with the particular resolution, for typical 15 inch displays 75Hz is the safe choice; you can set it up either with V2 tweakers or with the regs set in Fastvoodoo folder. You may turn off vsync if you don't care about screen tearing. When speaking about overclocking your V2s, you won't gain much a speed boost on such a machine without a risk of overheating the voodoos. And, Serious Sam 1&2 may be a hard task for a ppro 200 and so would be SOF2, but feel free to give 'em a try. There were also Shogo: MAD, Blood 2, KISS: Psycho-circus, Requiem: Avenging Angel (D3D), Hexen2, Kingpin, SiN(OpenGL) andTurok2: Seeds of Evil (Glide), looking&running good on V2 in the past. Regs, Ent.