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Messages - chatocl

SFFT 17 drivers, are a little bit faster on games for my voodoo3
Now dxdiag reset when i run d3d tests (prior versions run without reset)

thats is on WinXP

1-What are for the programs Set3Tile and Set4Tile ?
Set3Tile = disables triple buffering (more memory for textures)
Set4Tile = enables triple buffering  (could be faster if you have enougth video memory)
more info on previous pages of this forum

2- Should i use this versions of the Direct3d dll with Amigamerlin 3.1?
Amigamerlin 3.1 is for voodoo4 and 5
anyway download Amigasport 3.0
Replace the files "3dfxvsm.sys" and "3dfxvs.dll" with the sfft ones.
Replace glide3x.dll with the included in Amigamerlin 3.1

then install this hacked Amigasport 3.0
this works for me. It could miss some options in the inf but....

What was changed-fixed-improved?
just for curiosity

PD: SFFT16 worked ok on my v3 like earlier versions.
SFFT, I check the Alpha13 vs 12 on my voodoo3 in UnrealTournament (D3D mode) and the fps remains almost the same.

I also try Halo with the modified config, first some warnings (one of them about my video ram 16MB vs 32MB required) and at the end says a "problem ocurred initializing d3d... hardware aceleration maybe disabled....." I think that no hope for 16MB with Halo....

Anyway congratualtions SFFT your driver is far away the fastest :).

SFFT Drivers-Alpha12 for Voodoo 4/5

What about Voodoo 3?
are these drivers also for voodoo 3?
