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Topics - j0rpi


I havn't seen much activity here on the screenshot front, so i decided to live it up a little bit. I recently found a 3DFX Voodoo Banshee 16MB PCI, and i installed it on my computer and it runs perfectly.

Specs of my 3DFX-PC:

Intel Pentium III 1GHz
3DFX Voodoo Banshee 16MB PCI (Innovision)
Windows XP 32BIT

Issues with the game:

Brightness is very dark
Alpha Blending is somewhat bugged
The Banshee will struggle drawing stuff when many stuff are rendered on screen for some wierd reason ...

Game Settings:

16Bit Color Depth
All highest settings, except for the comparison screenshot!

It was hard to get the game to work. At first install, i selected "High Quality" at the launcher. I could get into menus, but when i selected anything on the menu, i got blue screen. So i reinstalled, and choosed "High Performance", and the game would run. But now i could access settings, and could turn all settings to max, and the game never crashed again. The black boxes you see behind letters and numbers did NOT appear at first launch (High Quality). But even after changing all settings to max, it would not go.