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Topics - BFG3dfx

General Discussions / Maximumpc
22 January 2009, 05:31:48
Maximumpc gives a plug to on page 12 of the February 2009 issue. Whats neat about this is there was a 3dfx article from around 2002 in Maximumpc that wasnt so nice. I dont think Maximumpc or anyone else thought 3dfx fans would still be using their cards and thanks goes to ALL you wonderful people who make the drivers for us all : )

p.s. Wasnt sure where to post this, hope this is ok.
General Discussions / voodoo3's wanted
11 February 2006, 07:13:44
Hello, im trying to complete my v3 colection and i know from time to time people move on, if anyone has a powercolor pci 166 or a powercolor agp tv out 166 card they would like to sell let me know. thanx
Banshee Topics and Setup Tips / FSB speed
11 September 2005, 17:31:57
Hello, im interested to know if anyone is running there raven or any other banshee past the 100fsb without problems, and how fast there fsb is, i want to run a raven in a newer mobo but read its not possible due to 3dfx chip design.
"ALIENWARE limited edition v5 5500"

Ok there is no such ALIENWARE case so i decided to make one, first i wanted to keep it as 2000 to 2001 looking as i could, second i wanted it to be as fast as i could make it using a v5 5500agp card.

so i started off with the case, i figured ALIENWARE went all out on there dragon case,aluminum,watercooled, for this i needed 3 cases to begin with(ebay here i come)

next i ordered a etched window, got some new hardware to hold window also. fans where one of the few items i didnt go for the 2001 look, i wanted certain fans and black ones didnt cut it
Hello all, im looking for a dead 6000 to buy just for my collection, i just want it in one piece but otherwise it can be as dead as a doornob, if you have one laying around and need cash email me.
Voodoo4/5 Discussions / v4500 mem mod?
01 May 2004, 04:49:07
Does anyone know of a place where i can send a v4500 or v5500 to have more memory put on it?:)