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Topics - ScottyMcNoob

System specs:
Motherboard: Aopen AX59pro
Processor: AMD K6-II 500MHz
Graphics: Voodoo5 5500 AGP

Fresh Install of Windows XP, with nothing else installed except SFFT 47 drivers, and Quake 2. With Glide, my FPS averages out at 20-23 FPS, which is a little below playable for me. What's up? I thought that my PC should be able to handle this easy, it's well above the minimum spec.

Are my expectations too high, do I need to install something, or is my hardware damaged?
Games / Help - Quake II doesn't work right
28 July 2007, 17:29:49
System specs:
Motherboard: Aopen AX59pro
Processor: AMD K6-II 500MHz
Graphics: Voodoo5 5500 AGP

Fresh install of Windows XP, I downloaded SFFT 47, installed it in the correct way, then installed Quake 2. I can run it in Software Rendering mode, but not in any OpenGL mode.

Does SFFT include OpenGL drivers, or should I get MesaFX, or some other drivers?

(On another note, if I download the latest DirectX 9.0c distributable, and install that, is that the best way to make sure DirectX is updated?)
It's consistantly getting around 7 fps on the first level of Serious Sam (First Encounter). Stock clocks, with good cooling on the cores (but not memory). I'm using Amigamerlin 3.1 drivers, and MesaFX 6.2. Well, I copied the opengl32.dll into my system32 folder, replacing the old one (I think that's what I was meant to do).

Rest of system:
AMD K6-II 500Mhz
AX-59pro motherboard
6 GB 5400rpm hard drive

I did a full installation of Serious Sam, and patched it to 1.05 european (newest version).

It's at 640x480, with all options defaulted as quite low (from what I saw in-game).

What's going on? Is there something I've done wrong? Or is this expected?
AMD Video Cards / Best Rage Pro drivers?
20 November 2006, 18:02:59
For the Voodoo cards, we have Amigamerlin, SFFT, and a host of other drivers that we can use, being continually updated and improved upon. They're all a great improvement from the last drivers that were officially provided by the graphics card company.

Are there any similar drivers for the ATi Rage Pro? I know that the Rage Pro obviously doesn't have as much of a fan following as 3dfx cards do, but there must be someone who's improved upon them.

Does anyone know of any good drivers, or a place where I could find some better drivers?

(PS: For Windows XP)
Do any of the Source Engine games work with a Voodoo5 5500 card? Has anyone tried them?

I have a Voodoo5 5500 AGP and want to know if it's worth installing Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike Source, etc on my PC.