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Topics - Ooops

Hi. I hope there is still someone active in here...

Before i write a lengthy explanation of my problems with getting my beloved old Voodoo 3/2000 PCI! to work next to my (not sooo old ATI Radeon 8500 AGP) I would like to know one thing in advance:

Can i play a game (UnrealTournament 99 in my case) on a Voodoo 3/2000 PCI that is installed along with a primary AGP card (ATI Radeon in my case)??

I am having troubles to get it working in Win XP Pro at all, so if what I intend to use it for is not possible, then I can save the time of getting it to work. I am not using a second monitor, I don't need an extended desktop, all I wanted to do is unplug the monitor from the ATI and plug it into the Voodoo if i play UT... is that possible??

thanx a lot in advance!