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Messages - lars18

Ok thanks...and its not for d3d games....i know they dont run...
ok i thought about switching going to try that now...this mobo tends to share IRQs....i hate that...
hi, i got into the bios, and to my surprise the setting assign IRQ to VGA was already enabled.
i tried by disabling it...but still doesnt work.

there is another setting also. PCI IDE busmaster, it is disabled.

maybe i should try with both enabled????.

the specs

pc chips m810 mobo (sis 730)
duron 900@945 Mhz
192 mb ram
80 gb 7200 rpm maxtor drive
primary graphics is onboard sis 5598

hope u can help me...
Hi, i´m new in the forum.
I got a 12mb voodoo2 and installed the fastvoodoo2_3.0 recognizes the card...but whenever i try to start a game in glide it gives this error: "mapmen returned an error when trying to map memory". In the device properties everything is ok except in resources tab. "the device is not using any resources cos it has a problem"....i have no clue why does this happen.....i want to use my card!!!. i dont wanna go back to win98 or me.