Quake 4 | Over 21 minutes gameplay with maxed-out graphics settings

Started by Glide, 20 August 2023, 18:07:11

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YouTube Video:

Video Description:

This is our fourth gameplay footage from Quake 4, well-known military first-person shooter videogame developed by Raven Software in collaboration with id Software, and published by Activision on October 2005 for Windows-based PCs, and later for Linux and OS X platforms, and at last for Microsoft gaming console Xbox 360.

Based on the graphics engine id Tech 4 provided by id Software, Quake 4 is the fourth entry in the Quake videogame series. By this video you can spectate at over 21 minutes gameplay.

This footage has been recorded with Quake 4 running at 1080p video resolution and with maxed-out graphics settings, including 8x anti-aliasing and 16x anisotropic filtering, both configured at graphics driver level.

3dfxzone's YouTube channel is on line at following URL: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgbeA-crbCmFhLU8zaFNUEw