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Messages - Glide

There is an article in german about a test with Radeon 8500, Kyro II and Voodoo5 5500 video cards and latest drivers for these (Amigamerlin 3.0 XP for 3dfx board [8D])

Just some performance results:

OpenGL Test (Quake 3 Arena)

D3D Test (UT2003)


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QuoteOriginally posted by JOE3000

to Glide: 1st idea is to implement Video Overlay for Voodoo3 :)
2nd to make GTA III somehow to work...I mean if TNT1 with 16MB of ram can run the game, at some point Voodoo3 can work.I know that TNT have texture compression but, Voodoo3 use only 256x256 textures so it saves a lot of memory.

thanks for asking :)
I lived in Istra, if you know where it is, they talk half Italian half Istrian.


As you can think, GTA3 programmers have optimized the game for nVIDIA and ATI cards. Then you must remember that GTA 3 is a (bad...) conversion from console platform: this type of software adds still others compatibilty bugs and always requires much power of central processing unit for nice running. All these make hard playing with Voodoo3 even though V3 hardware is not inferior to TNT hardware.

Also, i realize that you are using Windows XP so try this patch Q306676_WXP_SP1_x86 or install Win XP SP1.

Bye bye

QuoteWHY there's no NEW driver for Voodoo3 Users??

Before his fall 3dfx has fully developed drivers for Voodoo3 based cards. This fact allows to use "old" files with good results that's to say bringing hardware to limits.

When you have ideas, suggestions and/or others post these here.

PS: are you italian? :)

Bye bye

The fickle frame rate is typical of all nVIDIA based cards: these have very high peacks of velocity and great falls of this. Costant and meanly high is the frame rate for 3dfx boards.

Please note that the good performance of your Voodoo are due to the clock of PIII cpu; your VIA mb is not so bad...and if AGP support for Geforce is crappy...PCI support for Voodoo2 is crappy too...

Really and more simply the Voodoo2 is a big card when driver and game fully support it ;)

Finally, welcome in this board.

Bye bye

I'm looking this been calm please

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General Discussions / GANJA FARMER bets game ever
16 September 2003, 15:40:17
that's good...:)...

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QuoteOk am I to understand from this that the files have been submitted including all fastvoodoo2 versions? But that they have 'mysteriously' not been put up yet?

No. Sorry for my english...

We did not send any message to voodoofiles. Also we did not send messages to all web sites that have informed about the new driver. I hope to be much clear now.

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Voodoo2 Setup and tweaking / Problem With 3dmark99
16 September 2003, 00:47:43
Hi perer,

this problem could be caused by hd size. The true issue is not the low fps but that "it works then it hangs for 0.5 of a second and then it runs for 5 seconds and hangs again".
You must flash the latest final version of bios for your motherboard. Then read this page: Finally Western Digital Data Lifeguard v10.0 will help you in drive configuration.

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General Discussions / Need ID for 3DFX card
16 September 2003, 00:38:43
Just happy that you have solved :)

Bye bye

Many hw/ws sites in the Web, not 3dfx related too, have put on a news about AM 3.0 so I do not know why voodoofiles is so lazy [8)]. Therefore you can contact it, if want do it. We could be happy that a very great number of 3dfx users could avail os of our drivers (i add FastVoodoo2 to Amigamerlin and Amigasport ;)).
Tnx for post.

Bye bye

Please specify you hardware (cpu/mb/ram) and operative system.

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HM FAKK2 is a fine adventure game based on Quake 3 Arena engine.

- Radeon 8500 BBA
  - 1280x1024
  - 32bit

- 3D Blaster Voodoo2 2x12Mb
  - 1024x768
  - 16bit

- 3dfx Voodoo5 5500   - 1280x1024
  - 32bit

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Video Game Screenshots / Doom3 Alpha
14 September 2003, 11:19:48
Just for give you an idea about the visual quality response of average video cards (Radeon 9500 and Geforce4 Ti 4600) with experimental maps of the next Doom3.

Geforce4 Ti 4600
  - 800x600
  - 32bit
  - AA2x

Radeon 9500

  - 800x600
  - AF 16x
  - No AA

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Install FastVoodoo2 driver for you OS and also WickedGL. Then try a quality setting for the SLI in FV2 control panel. You will get a better visual quality, naturally ever far from Radeon 8500 or above rendering with this game...but reasonable.

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