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Messages - amp_man

hmm, methinks intel extreme has only directx support, no opengl, so no comparison there, V2 is winner by default. On D3D, I really don't know, but it couldn't hurt to hook it up and give it a whirl
ArchAngel, you must be aware that some Voodoo 5 6ks run at 183MHz, and that the VSA-100 can easily run at this speed, it's often the ram that holds the clock down.
AMD Video Cards / Can't get my SLI to work !!
25 July 2004, 23:48:50
do you have the SLI cable installed? Under XP, these cards will ONLY work for OpenGL and Glide games, see if you can find one of these to test with. I also understand there are glide tests available from somewhere, not exactly sure where tho.
but the question really becomes, why do you need an agp card? seems like for your described use the PCI R7k would do just fine.
ironically, im working on getting that machine running this minute (foramtting a couple hds atm). ill have a look once I'm done.
What OS are you using? Also, try Driver Cleaner to clean out the rest of the unwanted files, most are named Glide*, 3dfx*, or perhaps even Voodoo* (*=possibly something more after it)
Off Topic / Have you recieved email from me?
23 July 2004, 06:04:15
heh, sorry, laptop keyboards don't work really well for me, it's amazing that's the only word I messed up.

perhaps it isn't worth it, but I don't like the idea of being thought a spammer (lecram, keep your thoughts to yourself).
AMD Video Cards / Can't get my SLI to work !!
23 July 2004, 06:00:35
Under XP, it's a known error for SLI not to bve properly detected. Just start up a Glide-compatible game (in Glide mode, of course) and try to run it at 1024x768, if it works, then SLI is working properly.
QuoteOriginally posted by lecram25

Not to mention that it would really not be worth it.

VSA100 = 128bits SDR
VSA101 = 64bits DDR

The ONLY reason, IMOHO, to possibly do it would be to explore the higher OCing potential of the Daytona, and to use faster ram (because DDR's probably more available than SDR). But lecram25 is correct, you would wind up with (effectively) the same speed from SDR and DDR (half the data, twice as fast).
Off Topic / Have you recieved email from me?
22 July 2004, 08:43:59
Thanks for the info dborca, i just need to find someone now who has recieved this email and will cooperate.

@lecram25: that's not what I meant...

edit:name fixed
lol, if you're running XP 64-bit, it's probably time for a new card ;)
General Discussions / 3dfx Rampage
22 July 2004, 08:36:46

I believe those pics are rather old.

has the card changed since they were taken or something?
Off Topic / Have you recieved email from me?
21 July 2004, 07:23:07
I have been getting notices back from a number of web sites, particularly Italian ones, stating that I have sent them an email containing a virus. I have not actually sent these emails, someone is sending them and using my address in the reply box. If you recieve an email from me containing a small attachment that you aren't expecting, please delete it. I'm trying to sort this out, but it's taking time.

EDIT: If anyone could get the header info from this email, it would be greatly appreciated, none of the people who have sent me automated replies have contacted me back about getting this info. I'm especially looking for the originating IP and ISP, if available, and anything else for info that might be included. Thanks!
credit for that prog actually goes to lecram25, it's his posts that I've picked it up from ;)
I've heard of this if the BIOS is not set correctly. The INIT Display First or Primary VGA needs to be set to AGP, not PCI. Then the install should work fine.