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Topics - Volkovy

Hi guys!

First of all,sorry for my english..:)

I got a Voodoo5 5500 agp vga card,and I use WinXP.

I tried all drivers which are made for the 5.5k,but none of them were truly fine.

The most stable was the 1.04 whql,but it crashed in ut' 3dmark2001 and quake3,it was good.

I tried these:amigamerlin 3.0,amigasport 3.1,3dhq beta 10,darkmane3dfxdriver,1.04 whql.

My motherboard is an MSI 694D,with 2 p3 866's and a stick of sdram(512mb).

If the opengl and the d3d works,the glide don't.and vice versa.

do you got any tips for me?Which driver should I use?

maybe the via chipset causes the problems?

thx a lot!