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Messages - unknownusermx

Well.. I've some problems in FIFA 2k5 using the Alpha22... some graphics and text are missing[B)]...look it:

Any comment?...

RAM= 512Mb
CPU= Athlon XP 2500+
GFX= Voodoo 5 5500 PCI

SaLuDoS :D
General Discussions / Motion blur
19 November 2004, 07:04:30
yep.. I know a couple of this games:

Moto GP 2 (No FSAA and Medium Res needed -800x600-, just put enable the special effects option in the game config)...

Image Insert:

55.15 KB

Crimsonland (if u set FSAA at 2x or 4x... u'll always get the Motion Blur effect)

Image Insert:

195.8 KB

and.. Hitman Contracts is supposed to support this effects...

Hitman: Contracts is powered by the latest iteration of IO's ground-breaking Glacier engine, enabling incredibly detailed and graphically rich environments. In addition to running more than four times faster than Hitman 2, Hitman: Contracts introduces amazing post-filter technology including motion blur, depth-of-field, bloom and real-time colour correction resulting in the most stylish and cinematic experience ever witnessed in a video game.

had u readed ALL the other post?...

The conclusion is this:

CoD can't run in a Voodoo 3, because this games need 32Bit Color Card, and the V3 only have 16bits for games.... Algo the texture compression is not supported in Voodoo 3, and I belive that this game need it..

@Admins: Plz lock this post...

SaLuDoS :D
Hola!! :D

I'm getting almost the same frame rate that u vykupitel... But I have this system:

Call of Duty: United Offensive Full Game

Athlon 2500+, 512 RAM PC2100, Win XP SP1
Voodoo 5 5500 PCI
MesaFx (Pre-release)
Glide from AM 3.1 R1 package (system root)
Textures 16 bits
All settings in normal

Performance Settings:
set to normal and all enable...
V-Sync off

Here is some screenshots...

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72.18 KB

Image Insert:

78.41 KB

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74.33 KB

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62.31 KB

Image Insert:

65.02 KB

sorry for the menus text.... I had to make a CFG mod for run the game.. because my original CoD is in spanish and the United Offensive Expansion is in english...

SaLuDoS [}:)]
I say again... ur the king!!

Thnx for the great work Raziel!!

SaLuDoS :D

PS... Yep.. I saw it.. jeje...
OMG!!! [:0]

Raziel... u r the king :D...

Looks incredible[8D]

EVO's Rules [:p]

Here is my friend:


General Discussions / MesaFX
17 June 2004, 18:41:58
QuoteOriginally posted by Amigamerlin

QuoteOriginally posted by unknownusermx


mmm.. sorry[B)]... is a Multiplayer game... I express bad [:(].. The page that i post is from the demo... the 2.0 demo is the one that had the bug...


After the intro video.. I only get a gray screen and I can hear the music. Without mesa the game works...

sAlUdOs [B)]

Same to me; but currently the problem is fixed (mesa now it run flawless with TAA too !! ;):D

Thanks for feedback !!

@dborca and Amigamerlin:

  I still getting the gray screen in ONI[B)]..


  Thnx!!.. I'll chk it tonight... :D
Games / Painkiller full version
14 June 2004, 08:03:02
Try doing this:

Move all the movies from the game to another folder, the movies made that the game crash sometimes... in 3DA set Force SW T&L and Emulate HW T&L...

omegasupreme gaveme this idea... Try it... and.. let see if works :D
General Discussions / MesaFX
11 June 2004, 20:03:41
Great! and now you're telling me? after I got the first version? [B)]

I'm sorry[:(]
General Discussions / MesaFX
11 June 2004, 13:30:54

mmm.. sorry[B)]... is a Multiplayer game... I express bad [:(].. The page that i post is from the demo... the 2.0 demo is the one that had the bug...


After the intro video.. I only get a gray screen and I can hear the music. Without mesa the game works...

sAlUdOs [B)]
General Discussions / MesaFX
11 June 2004, 02:10:49

 Savage (a multiplayer game) doesn't work with any of the Mesa 6 versions, only works with Mesa 5.1 5ta. Release.

 With mesa 6 all start normally, but when I'll go to start the game the game freeze. With mesa 5.1 all works good.

Link for the demo:

sAlUdOs :D
General Discussions / Temporal AA
09 June 2004, 02:26:28
Chk this post... all the info is there

HyperSnap DX only works for Direct3D and Glide games...
Fraps works for OpenGl Games...
and.. "Print Screen" key doesn't work at all... if u use it.. probalby u get a lot of lines of different colors [xx(]

I had tried AM 3.0 with this games...

MaxPaye 1 and 2 works perfectly... without problems... I don't use nothing... No 3d Analyse, No INI mods.....

Unreal II.... I can start the game.. but when I saw the first video after put New Game and blabla... and the camera go in the tower trought the window when the spacial ship arrives to the base the PC freeze... and I get the same error message that I get with ur drivers in Max Payne...

I try to translate the message to english the next time..... and I'll post..

SaLuDoS :D