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Messages - qrazi

hmmmz, well that is just what i did with the side panel of my Aopen hq08 aqua Big tower. but amp_man and Phalanx dont have huge towers, but small cases (amp_man has microatx) so i can imagine there isnt a lot of room to get air flowing.
what i do know: one of my 120mm papst side panel fans is attached on the outside of the panel. it has to be installed that way, or else i t would fit past the molex connecter of my voodoo5... i also had to relocate my HDD to above the PSU, or else it would have gotten in the way of the second fan... :) guess i should have bought a bit slimmer fans.,...
AMD Video Cards / PCI Graphics card
18 January 2004, 09:50:58
nvidia and ati card on pci are more affected by the limits of the PCI bus then 3dfx cards.
and a geforce 2 mx will not run all games, let alone decent. but it will run more games then your current voodoo card...
Games / Il2 Forgotton Battles on W2k
17 January 2004, 11:33:41
hmmmz, well, geforce 2 mx has directx 9 drivers right? try running LOMAC (Lock On: Modern Air Combat) on one of them, it practically wont. despite the fact that Lockon only require directx 8.1. while on the other hand i have no problems running battlefield 1942 (directx 8), flanker 2.51 (directx 8), Max Payne (directx 8), Max Payne 2 (directx 9).

i dont htink it is correct to say that directx 8.1 will just do the features in software when they arent available in hardware. i think it will skip those features. and if you then take into consideration that the vsa-100 is only directx 6 compliant (=has all directx 6 features supported in hardware), its quiet impressive that it runs those new games.
Other Video Cards / XGI REVIEW, XGI = 100% cheat
17 January 2004, 10:53:27
hmmmz... i am a bit disapointed in XGI, but:
If you need a dual chip setup to approach the performance of your competitors then you don't really have a chance.
isnt this a 3dfx forum?

anyone remember the introduction of the first radeon? it ran as fast (or slow as it was back then) in 32-bit and 16-bit. its FSAA didnt only looked ugly, it took a huge performance hit as well. add to that the Geforce2 GTS was able to outperform it on most benchmarks.
what else could one expect from a company that brought us cards like the Rage series? look where they are now.

but, i wont buy a XGI card now. way too high priced for the performance you get...
General Discussions / MesaFX
16 January 2004, 08:56:21
QuoteOriginally posted by dborca

QuoteOriginally posted by samuraiboy

@ dborca: what's new in the mesafx0.51gse? you release your dll's often and very fast...
Okay, I'll release once a year, then! Is that ok with everybody?

statng the obvious, be to be on the safe side anyway: No, that is not okay with everybody!!! :D
hmmmz, i think i see the problem... :D
Voodoo4/5 Discussions / Voodoo 4 and Directx9
15 January 2004, 22:20:23
2. set texture filtering to "trilinear", disable "triple screenbuffers"...

if it doesnt help, go to "start"-->"run"--> and type: "dxdiag". on te tab Display, select test "direct 3d". do the tests run normally?
Games / Il2 Forgotton Battles on W2k
15 January 2004, 22:16:02
:) well, since even the latest 3dfx production model (VSA-100, used on voodoo4/5) isnt directx 7 compliant. it lacks a few features in its hardware to be directx7 compliant. so we should be happy with all the compatebility we can get. i do believe amigamerlins directx core offers the best compatebility, and 3danalyze adds even more.

however, when you can run a game in opengl, and it runs better, (faster/no artifacts) why not use that for a renderer?

i mean, there is no point in running counterstrike in directx mode.... sure it works, but looks worse and runs worse then opengl or minigl.

i'd say, try to run Forgotten Battles in opengl mode. for some reference tweaking:

also, try replacing the wickedgl opengl32.dll with the mesafx opengl32.dll, perhaps that brings even more speed...
erm, well, i hadnt any premanufactured places for my fans as well, but i did have a Dremel (what a handy tool... :P ) so now i do h ave fans in my case... :)
Games / Voodoo5 5500 + Generals Zero : Hour.....
15 January 2004, 09:09:03
hmmmz, it would at least be a good idea to have a clear link on or a sticky post in one of the forums... :)
Games / Il2 Forgotton Battles on W2k
15 January 2004, 09:07:33
Paul: cant you use opengl as renderer in IL2-FB? i know it is possible in IL2 (predecessor of IL2-FB). that would probably run better, especially when using wickedgl.
hmmmz, is it that different from a voodoo5 5500 and 6000? or are there just no good drivers which can use directx/glide/opengl using 8x vsa100 chips?
When you think the DRMA (erm, that US law that is so much talked about) is bad, check what the french just did:
dutch translation:

well, i guess most people here dont speak french, but what this law means is that all internet traffic will be filtered at the borders of France for illegal content. also, not only owners of a website are responsible for their content, but so  are the ISPs. there already was a strict law on e-mails, but now they removed the word "private" from it and now even private e-mails can be censored.
this law means that websites have to avoid having words like "mp3" and "divx" in their content, which is the death sentence for many websites obviously.

there is an online petition, which everyone can sign. perhaps it will change this awfull law.
Games / Il2 Forgotton Battles on W2k
14 January 2004, 08:49:13
any luck? what exactly was the problem?