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Topics - ms-dos

I picked up a king Shaman card a ways back and have been testing it.

One of the cool things about the card is that it supports 1024x768 in a few games. The card is also supper buggy with a lot of games, but not in the manner you would think. For example dark forces two when played on the primary card will not support anything higher 1024x768, remove the card and boom 1600x1200 works again. And a lot of games don't understand that the card fully supports 800x600 or even 1024x768. I'm thinking of making a custom driver to fix some of these problems but IDK how much of the problem are drivers vs the games.

More testing is needed. For now its all benching.

Trading Zone / pair of 12mb Voodoo2s
30 July 2021, 18:49:49
Looking for a pair of 12mb Voodoo2s, 110mhz ram, within the USA if possible
Off Topic / Bringing back falconfly.
02 July 2017, 16:40:08
Ok as many of you may know shut down and I gotten permission to rehost  the archive and forums. So long as I don't host any and all personal info regarding the admin or user accounts on the forum.  
I have a complete copy of the archive and a HTML copy of the forums.

In your opinion would you like to see the falconfly forum brought back? We'd all have to make new user accounts, but the old posts would stay. I'd say just host the back up. But if WE the 3dfx community want it back I can host a falconfly forum.
I already have plans to host a copy of the archive and add to it. As we all know it was somewhat out of date.

But I'm holding off on doing anything with the forums until I get word from the 3dfx community.
General Discussions / Dual Piii, a work in progress
14 February 2017, 18:52:08
I'm putting together a dual 1.4ghz sk370 setup and no dollar will be spared! It must be perfect!!!

This is a work in progress. I will update this thread when I get more parts! I have not chosen all the parts I'll be useing so no system specs yet.

Day 1 Test fit motherboard, nic cd drives and vga.

What I learned: I need a longer audio cable for the cd drive.
I will need a single slot cooler or single slot video card if I want to have a voodoo2 sli setup with a nic and scsi card. I'll probably ditch the nic or go single slot in the vga.

What I'm waiting on:
Hdds, CPUs, scsi card, ram, heatsinks, caps for mobo and dust filters.

ETA on next parts delivery.

The motherboard will be recapped. The caps on it are mostly ok. Some I don't trust, for about 15-20$ I might as well recap it.
I will use a scis raid setup in the system.
I will need to track down some high end video cards to test in the system.

Day 2 plans!

Fit 92mm cooling fan in hdd bay. [installed]
Install 5 hdds. (36gb quantum atlas) [4 of 5 installed]
Install ram into mobo. (2gb sdr cl2 pc133) [installed]
Plan wireing layout. [done]

What I done so far.
Test fitted mobo, vga and sound card.
Put new TIM on the x850xt cleaned it and checked its fan.

What I learned on day 2
I need more molex cables.
The scsi drives are loud, on drive was bad and missing caps.

Day 3 plans!
Install scsi card, cpu's and heatsink.

Day 4 plans!
Wire the computer.
Configure raid.
Install voodoo2s

Day 5 plans!
Install Windows and apps.

Day 6 plans!
Bench and have fun

Parts I know I'll be using.  
5 quantum atlas scis hdd.
AWE64 gold.
2gb ram.
6VXDC7 motherboard.
2 1.4ghz Piii-s CPUs.
550w seasonic psu.
Ata ls-120 drive.
Sata dvd drive via sata to ide thingy.
PD-rom drive.
ADAPTEC 2100 Raid card.

Parts I'll need to buy
2 12mb Voodoo'2
Longer CD audio cable [bought]
Zip ties and anchors.
Heat Shrink.
Stick on heatsink for mosfets and vga ram.
2 80mm fans

Parts I'm waiting on.
Heat sinks.
One more hdd.
Longer cd audio cable.
IDE to Sata adapter.
Molex cables.
Scsi card.
Scsi cable.

Here is the system as of now

More can been seen here.
Trading Zone / Any 3dfx cards.
11 May 2016, 18:00:59
I'm looking for any 3dfx cards. if you have any let me know.
General Discussions / edit
13 April 2015, 18:11:29
General Discussions / 3dfx benchmark challenge.
09 October 2014, 00:40:54
The 3dfx community has been pretty quiet for to long.
So I propose a benchmark challenge. Lets have some fun, shall we?
It's  simple anyone with a 3dfx PC can join.
The scores will be ranked, listed and categorized by the cards chipset (voodoo 1/2/3 and so on) in the OP
The benchmark used will be 3dmark2000.
And best of all the person with the highest score will get what? bragging rights for having the fasted 3dfx system. [8D]

3dmark2000 must be run with a screen resolution of 640x480.
Over clocking is allowed.
No volt modding your 3dfx card.
After market heat sinks are allowed.
No agp/pci to pci-e adapters.
You must post you results in a screen shot. (see second post for a example.)

Q:Why the 640x480 resolution?[/color]
A:To allow voodoo 1 owners to join in.[/color]Q:Why no volt modding?
A:Not everyone has the ability to volt mod a voodoo card witch would make a uneven playing field.
Q:Why no agp/pci to pci-e adapters?
A: Much like overvolting it makes for a uneven playing field.

User: card: speed: score

Voodoo 1
darkone Voodoo 1 stock 421 3dmarks


Voodoo 2


Voodoo 3
msdos AGP voodoo 3000 195mhz 5831 3dmarks

Voodoo 4500

Voodoo 5000

voodoo 6000

I'm thinking of volt modding my voodoo 3 3000 agp card. And before I go buying new a heat sink and ram sinks for the card I was wondering if anyone has any benchmarks of volt modded voodoo 3000's?
Trading Zone / [W] voodoo 4500 or 5500 agp
25 April 2014, 05:21:45
I'm looking to buy a voodoo 4500 or 5500 AGP in working order
if you have one let me know and I'll send you my email.

Thank you.

Ever want to run a newer game or program on a windows 98 system.

well you can, I found the program called kernelex

Almost every app I tried works with it and a good bit of games do too!
Its kind of like windows capability mode but in reverse.
It works even better with all the windows 98 updates and the unofficial windows 98 SP3
If you ever get a missing file or .dll file error just installed the system file.

I have only found a few apps and games that do not work with it .
I hope this might help a person or two.

once I get my 3dfx system backup and going I'll post some screens of it in action.

You can find updates for win98 here.
Be certain to do a backup be for installing any updates.
is the display port on the voodoo 3500 tv dvi ?
it looks like it, but I don't have one so I would not know
We all know about the agp v1 v2 compatibility problems. weather it be the 3.3v or just not fitting
I was wondering since some have cut a notch out of the voodoo5500 before
why not use something like this

has anyone every tried that, maybe you could solder a 3.3v line to the card as well
I'm building a small more mobile 3dfx system.
and if I can get my voodoo5500 to fit in the case I'm going to use it.

I'd like to get better heat sinks on the card.
noting to costly or big, but better then the stock cooling.
any ideas?

the heat sinks need to be small so I can put a card in the next slot
I have a set of voodoo2's but three not the same card
one is a 8mb CT6670 and the other is a v2 1000 12mb with memory chips on the front side only

can I sli these?
I know that 8mb and 12mb have been sil'd before but the second card on'y uses 8mb of its ram
Trading Zone / [WTB] v2 1000
05 January 2012, 17:41:33
I need a 3dfx 12mb v2 1000 3d card
I need the one that has the memory chips on the front side and none on the back side

I need one like this one
also a sli cable would be nice too, but I can make one myself

will pay paypal, and would like to spend around 15~25$
I'd prefer to buy one from someone in the US
