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Messages - cp8765

okay, I think I've found at least one reason for the artifacts: it was a bath tub! The one for $700 and the one for $1500 cause those artifacts, but only in hardware mode. Besides, the mouse cursor still flickers but that's not a major problem for me.
#2 everything is ok now?
unfortunately there are still those artifacts also mentioned in the other thread:

when you move around in the scene there are some positions where the artifacts go away (like far away from the house). Also the state of the artifacts changed when I took some screenshots (all taken with the in-game camera) one after the other without moving:

it can also change when your sims move. But there was also at least one house (with two stages like the other ones) in the neighbourhood where there were no artifacts at all. So I have no idea what the reason might be.
Quotecheck here:
thanks for pointing me to that thread. So I now found out that I had to enable "force MIP map dithering" in V.Control to make the textures appear right. :)
QuoteSeems there are problems with large scale textures, any other errors in game?
you're right. Looks like only large textures are affected.

Besides a flickering mouse cursor I didn't notice any other errors so far.
Hi, I tried playing Sims 2 in hardware mode on my Voodoo 4 4500.

(To enable hardware mode open "\TSData\Res\Config\Graphic Rules.sgr" in an editor, find the lines that say

# force sw, swvp, and no aa
 boolProp forceSoftwareDevice        true

and replace true with false)

Amigamerlin 3.1 R1

SFFT Alpha 32

(The ground is constantly fading from black to red, that's why it's different between the two pics.)

This is how it's supposed to be.