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Messages - amp_man

I just got the below message in my email through this forum. I just wanted to let the admins know they've got scammers in the system, I have now disabled emails from forum members.

QuoteHello amp_man

You received the following message from:
QuoteOriginally posted by trigger
Are you kidding amp_man?! You've got an old voodooMAC just lying around doing nothing?
Still unexorcised?!

Yep [:0] Or at least I did have until about a week ago. It's now up and running, running ZenWalk linux. Still trying to get 3D acceleration working, but that's not a huge deal, it's in a file server.

QuotePLEASE NOTE: I don't know If you can flash your VoodooMAC back to Macintosh format.

I dumped the original BIOS before flashing it, so in theory, I should be able to just flash it back. In reality, I highly doubt I'll ever need to, due to the complete lack of OS 10.3 support (which is what I was running on the mac, when it had a hard drive and ram, those are now in the server :D).

@ps47: nice to see you're still kicking around too!
Voodoo4/5 Discussions / Linux Driver for V5 5500
05 September 2006, 04:27:56
Okay, I've been away from the 3dfx community for, oh, I don't even know how long. I'm actually somewhat amazed and delighted that this site still exists. Now, down to business. I'm playing around with various distros on a 466MHz Celeron with 256mb of ram, gentoo is the current flavor of the week, but I'm looking at several others. I know there are drivers out there (and even included in the kernel) for the V5 5500, but last I knew, they only used one of the VSAs. Is this still the case? And is there a patch or seperate driver to support both GPUs? Also, I see that XiGraphics has a driver that allegedly (according to x-3dfx) supports both gpus. Does anyone have experience with this? 3dfx isn't even listed on their homepage, which is why I ask. Thanks for any info!
Probably a stupid question, but with this BIOS, the normal VGA port is still the primary display, correct? I've finally found a use for my Voodoo 5 MAC (which I bought ages ago to put in a real mac that has since been moved back to parts.

PS: I like the blue logo better :-D
General Hardware / AGP2PCI on ebay
11 March 2005, 18:50:50
holy crap...$335.55 USD, but it's worth it if you've got a V5 6k I guess. Was the buyer from here?
Voodoo2 Discussions / GTA:VC V2
04 January 2005, 22:55:46
QuoteOriginally posted by perer

Well, I think there should be a faq about games, that need work around to be playable on 3dfx hardware. And I mean all voodoo's!!!!!!!!!!

hmm, good idea...

[overhaul/update to game guide coming soon, thanx to ps47...]
General Discussions / Super 3dfx Program
26 October 2004, 18:19:51

*grabs pentium motherboard, 1.2gb hard drive, and messed up voodoo 2, and starts download*
okay, this is a bit old, but this is my first time here in a little while. yes, the drivers on are old, and most links are dead. This is due to the webmaster's lack of concern for the site, and bandwidth theft (search for "Amigamerlin 3.0 XP", and then click the last download link. Patience should know what I'm looking at ;) ). So, until we can convince the webmaster to either fix it or let us, they will continue to be outdated, non-working, and filled with other crap completely unrelated to 3dfx.
General Discussions / Progress on TDFX driver...
10 October 2004, 07:11:57
lol, Daniel, Linspire is the new name for Lindows;)

I dunno if MS filed a lawsuit and forced them to change the name, or just asked 'em to, but they did.
Games / The Medal of Honor Pacifc Assault
12 September 2004, 17:19:15
[B)] sounds like intel
Microsoft has a number of command line switches avaible at their website, these could come in handy, if anyone can find them again. I found them, printed them off, and now can't seem to trace my way back to the site or find the printout. There's one for fixed-function cards, they cite the gf2mx i think, so that should also theoretically work for voodoo 5, it's like -ffunction or -fixedfunction, something like that. wish i could remember, i hope someone can do something with this info.
AMD Video Cards / Need a bit of help whit 3D-analyze
08 September 2004, 21:13:53
perhaps the skip pixel shader options? this is how I got the final test on 3D Mark 2001 to run :D
Games / The Medal of Honor Pacifc Assault
07 September 2004, 06:38:43
Um, why on earth are you running your CPU at 12x100? Isn't that supposed to be like 17x or something? or like 8.5x200?
General Discussions / Progress on TDFX driver...
07 September 2004, 06:35:58
Any clues on how long before you can have a peak at SLI, and perhaps get it working? Kinda up in the air right now if the old V5 or the GF2 is going in my spare box, linux sli support would tip me towards the V5 (even tho I know it wouldn't have all the features and crap the GF2 would).
QuoteAlso, the only time 3dfx had been a market leader was at the days of the Voodoo2.

lmfao, in order to prove that dual GPU cards suck, you quite the VOODOO 2??? Dude, what made the Voodoo 2 such a kickass card was the fact that you could SLI two of them together to get a wee bit more power, and higher resolutions. What was that dual GPU crack again?

QuoteWhat's your next argument, Hardware T&L at that time ?
...seen that in action from GeForce2MX Users; their Athlon 900MHz was able to perform Software T&L 3 times faster than the GPU's Hardware T&L (and 3D Mark 2000 being the only "Game" available to see it in Action at that time *lol* ;) )

I have actually run a few tests on a GeForce2 GTS and found that even with my AXP 1800+ (1.53GHz), the ancient hardware TnL engine is still faster than software TnL (this may be different with a GF2MX, but we're trying to compare two top-end cards, of the time). I ran a few different benches, but the main one I can remember was 3D Mark 2001, with hardware TnL, I got about 4k marks, with sw TnL, I saw closer to 3k. I used 3D analyzer on a couple games, too, but I can't remember the FPS (or even games) off the top of my head.