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Messages - perer

Voodoo2 Discussions / Voodoo2 with 110mhz
23 April 2005, 12:20:28
I meant that the speeds are different ON the card itself not the combination of cards in SLI. A well, the fact remains you have a very rare card, because I've never seen anything like it.  Maybe there will be like 50 or so cards with this memory (pure speculation), but where they are I dunno.
Voodoo2 Discussions / Voodoo2 with 110mhz
22 April 2005, 19:21:06
But what is wrong with what I sad [:0]?
I only talked about the fact that the card can't get any higher than 108mhz. And that is due to unfortunate fact that not all the ram on the cards can get to 125mhz. And I find it strange that the cards don't have the same ram or brand. Especially because it is a Diamond, they used to build good cards (this looks like a mess to me, I don't mean the card is broken etc. but it looks kinda strange).
Voodoo2 Discussions / Voodoo2 with 110mhz
21 April 2005, 14:38:53
The reason you can't get them any higher than 108mhz is because you the card also has the slower 100mhz ram. What a strange combination to use different brands and speeds, But he it works ;).
Voodoo2 Discussions / Voodoo2 with 110mhz
20 April 2005, 16:44:42
O my God, You have V2 cards with 125mhz ram!!!!!!!!!
ArchAngelCD these cards are extremely rare, I have never heared of a regular card with ram that fast, the only thing that used 125mhz and contained a V2 chip, was the Mercury that I know of. Well do you cool these cards well??? Can you overclock these cards to let's say 120+?? And is the PCB exactly the same as a normal V2?

It is very strange that a revision B card has 125mhz ram. Perhaps there wasn't any slower ram at the moment. I will add this offcourse in My archive.
I have modded MY V2's. But am still waiting for the rest of the HS's.
Well those drivers are more than 4 years old!!!!
Get some of those NON-3dfx drivers, like amigamerlin sfft etc.
Well a V2 SLI is between a V3 2k and a V3 3K. And that is because of the smaller memory, if you look at fillrate though a V2 SLI is nearly as fast as a V3 3,5k. But the throughput of a V3 is MUCH higher, and in these kind of games I think throughput is also very important.
What are the exact settings??? Could you give me a cpoy of the config??? Has anyone tried on a regular V3 3000 or even 3500???
Unfortunately there is no benchmark with this game (we could maybe make a timedemo). But first I need to get my hands on this game.
The voodoo2 could run this game too, but I have tried a legal and a warez version. Both won't install, very strange (there where no scratches on the legal version, it was brand new).

Are these screenshots, with the playable settings????
Hmzz.... Why are you telling it the card sucks? Had some problems lately? Do you need some attention? Are you a nVidia Fanboy? Anyway little kid, because that is what you must be, even if you are 25 in your mind you must a kid. Well I know what I do when I even am starting to get bored, I play games, watch movies, meet my friends etc. Well the reason you do this must be because you are bored, and I know for a fact (it has been researched) that poeple that are bored with everything are getting dumber by the day. I suggest you do something BIG that interests you. With BIG I mean winning with sports, something at school, politics etc (if you are good at politics, go and save the USA it seams it has some serious financial problems).
Voodoo2 Discussions / GTA:VC V2
17 January 2005, 15:58:46
WEll now I have yours it will be no problem.
Voodoo2 Discussions / GTA:VC V2
17 January 2005, 14:37:31
Sorry I thought you would add me, I tried yout adres on 3dfxzone but it didn't work.
Okay, nice then BTW what programs have you used to display the FPS?
Gwhahaha... You surely proved those guys wrong that where convincing me that it was impossible to run this game on the V2. You OGLx 2.0 is improving.
Did you got a decent Framerate with those high detail textures?