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Messages - sps

everytime i try to install older game demos such as aliens vs predator or dark forces II : jedi knight this message comes up:

(header) 16 bit windows subsystem

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\AUTOEXEC.NT. the system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Micorsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' To terminate the application.

             ('close' button) ('ignore' button)

even if i press ignore it still closes. Now, aliens vs predator definatly used to work on my pc, probably b4 i installed service pack 2. as did worms.

any suggestions?

relax, all the fx2000 pici's ive seen(and ive seen quite a lot in my quest to find a decent pci card) have heatsinks only:). try the omega drivers for 3rd party drivers to give you some extra performance, but if ur happy with the frame rates ur getting at the moment,then i would stick with the nvidia ones.
AMD Video Cards / 3d-analyze settings
21 August 2004, 13:08:32
Tick all the boxes that say "skip Pixel shader version" and under hardware limits tick emulate pixel shader caps.
i got it to run on my intel extreme integrated graphics, so it should work for you.gonna have to turn down the detail and resolution tho.
AMD Video Cards / Direct X probs
21 August 2004, 13:03:10
Gta probabbly isnt working cos it needs at least dx8.1. try re installing the game and installing dx8.1 at the same time;it should be on the disc.
xp is as only stable as the hardware that supports it. my old comp was as stable as a one legged mountain goat; it once crashed 11 times in an hour! but i did some  upgrading and i could play mafia for hours on end.......bliss:D...untill it started crashing again....peice of crap... anyway i got a new dell computer in february, and its running xp without a hitch:D
AMD Video Cards / Geforce FX PCX
25 July 2004, 16:14:36
Would a geforce pcx card ( i.e. 5300, 5900) work on a normal pci slot?
Voodoo4/5 Discussions / v5, hardware tnl?
12 March 2004, 20:45:43
i saw a  Voodoo 5 5500 64mb PCI goin on ebay for about £13 and was wonderin if it had hardware TnL
thanx for that. ill probbly just leave this dell comp alone for a year until the warrenty goes  and get a new motherboard + processer  4 the old one.
i  recently got a 2nd computer(dell), with 64mb of onboard graphic memory. however, it doesnt support HTnL, and the motherboard doesnt have any agp slots, so i cant transfer my 9200 pro. i saw a ati radeon 7000 pci 64mb ddr, which should suffice  as i spend less time on gaming and more on watching dvds.
                                   but i cant seem to find out whether it has HTnL.
AMD Video Cards / emulater
30 November 2003, 21:03:33
have u ever used this emulater before?
the thing is, my system spec is pretty grim (850MHz Duron,128mbRAM,32mb TNT2 M64 @ 160MHz with hrdware T+L emulated) and if my h T+L emulater really does work(my friend is lending me NOLF 2 to test it) id rather get more RAM to play the games i want to but cant for lack of T+l + RAM.
                                 those games are vietcong, unreal 2,splinter cell, + call of duty. and maybe hl2. if i get a new card instead, the only game that i want to play is soilder of fortune 2.

of course, if any of those games (bar SOF 2) dont work, you know which card ill be getting.
thats a good price for a 9600 non pro, but i am a little put off by amp_man's post. then again i could just get it directly from rather than through pricewatch.
what does 64 bit agp mean? or are they just two things im confuzing for 1...
yeah, i aint got that much dough. roughly $120 (£80). all i can afford is a 9600se, and scince some 1 advised me not to get a se card, im going for a 9200 (non-pro)
ive seen a sapphire 9200 256mb and a sapphire 9200se 128mb at pretty much the same price, + the ure saying the extra 256 mb is useless?!? (actully, the 256mb version is cheaper)

the slight problem with the 9500 is that u cant get it in the uk. ive also seen a 9600se 128 mb, so im confuzed for which card to get.
would dx 9 still work with a 9200?