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Messages - JOE3000

I just tested Alpha9 and it doesn't work with Voodoo3 & GTA3 nor Vice City...still the same problem, hengs after 5 sec. [:(]

Tested on:
WindowsXP SP1 with DirectX 9.0b
Voodoo3 3000 AGP on SFFTv3alpha9
QuoteOriginally posted by SuperFurryFurryThing

Don't you mean the Alpha7, the Alpha8 doesn't appear to be on the web site yet although I have sent it to Amigamerlin and Glide.


No, no, I tested today alpha8, like Amiga said, they are online.
Just finished testing your driver alpha8 for Voodoo3.

Not working with GTA III and Vice City...still hangs after 5 sec. :(

Tested on:
WindowsXP SP1 with DirectX 9.0b
Voodoo3 3000 AGP on SFFTv3alpha8
QuoteOriginally posted by r21vo

it seems that development runs very slow (if it's running). Maybe SFFT will change the situation with it's brand new drivers.. (i hope so)

Are they(SFFT team) working on D3D portion of drivers?
They are 3dfx 1.07's all the way glide,ogl,dx November 2000.Not even 1.07b, just few .inf stuff...I'm not even sure if they have any impact on graphics(the NEW .inf stuff) [|)] I mean Automatic,Normal,High,Higher,Highest,Rampage that's stoopid!
So will it be a new driver(or bug fix) for AMD&Voodoo3 users??!

Is there goin to be any D3D progress(bug fix) in 3dfx driver for Voodoo3.
Games like GTA3 are 2 years old and they work with Banshe&VSA 100 cards but not with Voodoo3.We have simular bug with Colin McRae2 that wont work with 3dfx 1.07's and works with 1.05 drivers.

Does anyone working on D3D?!

General Discussions / MesaFX
28 March 2004, 16:20:19
QuoteOriginally posted by ps47

I can help you with that:
create a txt file (run1024.txt for example) in the same directory where quake3.exe is located.(probably "C:\Games\Quake III Arena\")
open it with notepad,and type:


exit notepad and save rename the txt file to *.bat (run1024.bat for example),and run you have support for 1024*1024 textures..

Thanks mate.But seems(looks)to me like this is just a for a  compatibility reasons, no iq is gained, it's still 256x256 look [:(]
General Discussions / MesaFX
26 March 2004, 18:52:12
Dborca, I have a question.HOW can we(Voodoo3 users) use those large textures with mesafx:

   OS: all
   HW: non Vsa-100 cards
   Desc: enable large texture support using SW rescaling
       "9"  - 512x512 textures
       "10" - 1024x1024 textures
       "11" - 2048x2048 textures

Please give us an example with Quake3, what we acctualy must do to have that, lets say 1024x1024 textures in Quake3??

General Discussions / Edge AA & Voodoo3??!
06 December 2003, 10:36:12
QuoteOriginally posted by Amigamerlin

QuoteOriginally posted by JOE3000

Are you going to implement edge aa in next revision of drivers for Voodoo3? As the Voodoo2 have it now, it would be nice to Voodoo3 have it!

Did you tried Amigasport3.0? If my mind don't deserve me it can have this setting in it !! otherwyse try Amigamerlin 2.5se I'm pretty sure that in one of them the settings are present !

Let me know !!

yes I tryed amigasport, and they have option for EdgeAA, but that doesn't do anything...I mean no performance hit(when it's on)nor better image quality - simple as that :)

Maybe I'm wrong, you can post a screenshot with edgeAA on Voodoo3 to prove me wrong?!
QuoteOriginally posted by sfan

Thank you for your reply!:)

In fact, I found voodoo3's video playback quality is quite good, even better than radeon7000 and G400 in playing low bitrate divx/xivd avi file(eg. a TVrip with 900Kbps video bitrate)
So, it's regretful that there is no overlay adjustment in 2K/XP driver[:(]

Voodoo3 have perfect Video Playback!!! You CAN can have Video Overlay in Win2k/XP as I said before(I guess someone from driver team should see this and implement in the next revision of driver for Voodoo3 ;) )

AmigaSport core is old 3dfx driver 3dfxvs.dll & 3dfxvsm.sys from you must use 3dfxvs.dll from AmigaMerlin's 3.0 and put it in your system32 folder and there you go, Video Overlay is here! But other bad thing is that you cannot have d3d then :(
General Discussions / Edge AA & Voodoo3??!
04 December 2003, 16:06:41
Are you going to implement edge aa in next revision of drivers for Voodoo3? As the Voodoo2 have it now, it would be nice to Voodoo3 have it!

Don't go mad...damnit.I just wanna best for all V3 users.I'm a not a programmer, same thing I can say about you now...AmigaSport don't include any new drivers except Glide:

win2k,xp Display Driver:  5.00.2195.0232 - 3dfx
win2k,xp Miniport:     - 3dhq
Glide(tm) 3.X Driver:  -
Glide(tm) 2.X Driver:      - Colourless
OpenGL(r) Driver Version: ICD - 3dfx

So if you cannot make any progress, I allready said how Voodoo3 users can have Video Overlay and Glide/OpenGL to work,just copy 3dfxvs.dll from AM 3.0 for V4/5 :)

For Voodoo3 Video Overlay in XP driver, ther's a solution, just import gamma settings into 3dfxvs.dll for Voodoo3 just like it's done in Voodoo4/5 driver :) It's a simple solution...
As you can think, GTA3 programmers have optimized the game for nVIDIA and ATI cards. Then you must remember that GTA 3 is a (bad...) conversion from console platform: this type of software adds still others compatibilty bugs and always requires much power of central processing unit for nice running. All these make hard playing with Voodoo3 even though V3 hardware is not inferior to TNT hardware.

Also, i realize that you are using Windows XP so try this patch Q306676_WXP_SP1_x86 or install Win XP SP1.

Yes i know that GTA3 is worst conversion from console.But it must to be a way to eliminate this bug between AMD cpu's & Voodoo3 in GTA3 [8D]
Don't get me wrong, but AM team is the only one who actually make drivers/clean bugs...and I'm glad for that.

Yes I'm using WinXP Pro SP1 with Dx 8.2