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Topics - skinnie

Hi guys,I'll be getting an powermac g4 (for free) and I was thinking of putting there my voodoo 3 3000,can I flash it to "mac version" or it isn't necessary?
Other thing,the drivers available support wich versions of macos?
Voodoo2 Discussions / Voodoo 2 Mac
20 October 2009, 19:30:42
Do the "pc" versions of voodoo 2 work in mac?or there were "special versions" like V5?
NVIDIA Video Cards / Run a dx9 game in a dx8 card
02 January 2009, 12:09:45
Hi guys,now I am limited to a HP Quadro 980XGL 128Mb (+- like geforce4 ti4800),and I wanted to run GTR Evolution on it,but the game asks for a dx9 card,is there a way to "hack it"?
I downloaded 3danalyze but didn't found nothing..
Does anybody know how to make voodoo 2 usable in ubuntu?
I am using 8.10 main card is either a quadro 4 980xgl or a 6800gt biosmodded to Quadro FX4000.
Voodoo2 Setup and tweaking / V2 Sli and Vista 32
18 September 2008, 11:59:59
Hi guys,is there a way of putting 2x creative v2 working in sli in vista 32?
What drivers must I use?
The system is:
Intel C2D E6300 + Asus P5B (intel 965 chipset) + 2Gb DDR2 + 7300GT DDR2
And I have a IBM C220P crt, with on dvi connector (where I plug the 7300gt) and one vga connector (I could put it on the V2,and could alternate with both in the button).
People what is the driver that can make final fantasy 7 work with voodoo in windows xp?
HI ppl,I have a "problem" in nfs porsche, my car hud is a lil bit "bad" and I know from experiences with voodoo 3 3000 that is because of the lod,how can I adjust lod in voodoo 2?@first when I installed the fv4.0xp drivers it was ok,but then it went just like before..
Voodoo2 Discussions / Voodoo 2 Sli not working
15 February 2007, 00:39:03
Hi ppl; today I put my voodoo 2 in sli in my 3dfx zystem..but when I try to play UT goty it gives me this error:

and in the proprieties it is this way:

the main card is now a s3 virge dx 2mb
so: XP nlited by me
drivers: fastvoodoo 4.0

what can I do to make my sweet cards work?
Games / Help me choosing
31 January 2007, 19:29:49
HI ppl,I need help you may read in the forum,I am building a new 2nd system,in the begining this was meant to be a 3dfx system,powered by my v3 3000 agp,but finding a kt333 was both hard and expensive,so one day I found a DFI Ultra B "damaged",a hot flash and voi is running...and I found a V5500 pci too (65eur)..buuutttt..there is always a but...a friend of mine gave me a ti4200 (it wasn't working..but now it is) and I am a lil confused..the 3dfx games that will play will be q3,q1,ut,nfs porsche,maybe no play css or flat out I will use the ti4200 (I think),now the question I sped 65eur and buy the v5500 pci? (it was my dream) or do I spend 25eur and buy a v3 2000 pci?
Hi ppl,I would like to know somethings for my "new" 3dfx will be made with this parts:

AMD Athlon 1800+
Epox 8k5A2
Seagate 40gb Barracuda 7200rpm
256mb DDR400 Kingston Value Ram (samsung TCCC chips)
Voodoo 3 3000

1st Wich oS do I put?XP SP1,ME, or 2k SP4?the computer will be mostly for small lans wich we play UT goty and maybe XP SP1 because of the lan settings no?[I can lighten them a bit with nlite]

2nd:Wich DX?8.1?8.1b?9.0b?9.0c?

3rd:Wich drivers?latest sff?

4th:with a v5500 could I play CSS?or Flatout1?
General Discussions / 3dfx X-mas
23 December 2006, 17:16:08
PPl,this must be because of X-mas,I stop and think..3dfx has gone some years ago..and look at this community..there are new drivers,3dfx cards running some recent games..all this is so "beautiful" (I don't know the world in english..maybe magnificent?lol)..
As X-Mas gift,I think I'll get some old skool parts for a better 3dfx System:
Epox 8k5A2
256 DDR400 kingston with TCCC chips
AMD Athlon 1800+ (maybe a JIUHB that does 2600+ =) )
the card will be the V3 3000 or...a v5500,if I can get mine repared :P

unfortunetly I'll have to sell my 2xCreative V2 SLi,but,well that is gonna be kinda x-mas present for the guy wich is buying them to me..=)
Hi ppl,is there a tool wich can overclock the v3 3k without rebooting the pc?how many mhz should I expect +-?I have aditional cooling..
Hi ppl,why not show off our 3dfx cards and 3dfx systems?
Here is mine:

Voodoo 3 3000 Modded [An8 NB cooler]

Voodoo 2 + Dedad Voodoo 5

3dfx Machine [Specs in the sig]

and's not a 3dfx card..but it has been my
2D card for my Voodoo 2 for a long time

Matrox Millenium 2mb 50mhz@65mhz (with that oc I could se the firefox faster :P) flashed with latest bios :P

hope you yours :)
General Hardware / TV solution
10 November 2006, 21:52:30
Hi ppl I want to see tv ou my 3dfx pc..but now I am with some doubts...since I can't get a 3500tv what do I think I should do?
1)BUy a 32mb Radeon DDR AIW for about 20eur and stay with v2
2)Buy a separate TV card (about 10/20eur) and put a voodoo 3 3000 (5eur)

3)stay has I am cuz seeing tv will be complicated on this system...
The problem with staying with the voodoo 2 is that they "eat" me 2slots of the 3 that I have...and to use them I must use a cut cooler..and that I think may be dangerous..not a lot..but..who knows :P
Voodoo2 Discussions / sell or not to sell
01 October 2006, 11:50:43
Hi ppl,I have a difficul girlfriend is now living in czech republic..and I am in earn money for going there (I am 18,studiing,I only get a job maybe in december)I am selling some computer parts that I don't use...and yesterday on my selling topic I put my Voodoo rush 6mb and my 2 voodoo 2..both @ good price..the voodoo rush @10eur (it was trade for a ati 2mb lol) and the each voodoo 2 @25eur (one costs me 15eur and the other 25^) but now some ppl sells it @5/10eur..and the rush is sold (it was only used when I don't have agp card in my main system,and it was not of those cards thath were in my heart) and now the same guy who bought me the rush wants to buy the voodoo2 (it is not 100% sure because he had already bought 2 voodoo 2 but they didn't came) but thedse cards are in my heart..I fought so much to have them...but 50eur are about 1/3 of the price of the fly...
What do you think I must do?Now I havea vodoo 3000 and the v2 are sleeping..but I don't know it costs me so much to sell it..:S