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3dfx Hardware & Software => Voodoo3 and Velocity Discussions => Topic started by: Goblin_Wizard on 07 December 2010, 21:06:05

Title: voodoo3 2000 PCI with widescreen monitor
Post by: Goblin_Wizard on 07 December 2010, 21:06:05
Hi all !!

My main question is:
How to keep 4:3 aspect ratio on the 16:10 monitor?

I'd like to have 4:3 (not stretched) image with black stripes on the sides. My monitor Samsung syncmaster 940BW doesn't have this option built-in. ATI and Nvidia give something like "keep aspect ratio" option in display setup. Is there any driver or other program that can do this trick for my voodoo?

What I've done so far - I've installed SFFT 1.5 driver and added 1440x900 resolution via Powerstrip.

I use Win XP SP3 32bit.
MB: Asus P5N-E SLI with Core 2 Duo and 4GB RAM
GFX: 1. nvidia GF9600 GT in PCI-E slot, 2. Voodoo3 2000 in PCI slot.

I'm asking for help because of my old game (Medieval Total War) which refuses to work with all nvidia 8xxx/9xxx series cards. The game runs smoothly after I switch to voodoo but stretched screen looks really ugly. The game shows only 4:3 resolutions.

P.S. sorry for my english.
Title: voodoo3 2000 PCI with widescreen monitor
Post by: Minja on 11 November 2011, 22:36:22
After a year or so :) reply:


It could help sometimes.
