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Software Platforms and Apps => 3D-Analyze and TnL games => Topic started by: cartesia on 22 July 2010, 05:26:13

Title: WH40K: Dawn Of War 2
Post by: cartesia on 22 July 2010, 05:26:13
Has anyone had any luck with 3d Analyze and DOW2?

I have an intel GMA950 shared/builtin video card, which besides the lack of hardware TnL is still capable of running many new games at low settings..  (I feel for you guys with 3dfx cards and the motherboards to match.. the dual core processor + 4gigs ram really helps me survive)

I've selected "Emulate HW TnL Caps"

..that didn't work

I've selected all the other caps/emulate boxes as well, still wont work.

Does anyone know the deviceID for the GeForce 7800GT? I notice that the video card ID's listed on 3D Analyze (4600/5900) are below the minimum req. of DoW2 so I'm thinking perhaps this is the problem.

Requires pixel shader 3.. damn[:(!]

Is there any word on whether tommti are doing a new version of 3d analyze with PS3.0 emulation?

As much as I'd love to buy a new video card, that would require me to throw out my laptop, so it's more about 'what can i make work' than 'i just want to be able to play this game'