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Topics - Maduin

I noticed the current developers are using this impliementation of the OpenGL API as an alternative Installable Client Driver (ICD) for the Voodoo Series of graphics adapters.

What exact specification of OpenGL does your current MesaFX cover? I am curious as Mesa 6.5 is the most current release and is said to carry code at or near the OpenGL 2.0 specification, and if possible will a 6.5 MesaFX ICD be released soon?
Hello. I've been assigned by my corporation Engineering Software Solutions Inc. to do some testing with some applications regarding a concern that the API Glide might be removed from the support vectors of one of our products. I can't officially go into too much detail at the legality of a signed NDA, but I have been authorized to ask questions regarding the Glide2 API.

Currently we are testing a patch for an application we use in-house so to speak that involves and utilizes the Glide2 API and since 3Dfx Interactive no longer produces drivers or updates the CVS database we currently have been testing wether or not currently actively developed 3rd party drivers are going to produce the results we are hoping to find so we can keep using Glide as part of our application or convert our code base to another API such as OpenGL which would require a massive internal upgrade and switching over to another series of computer video hardware.

Anyway, while browsing for any updates I came across this site and discovered the SFFT driver releases with the newer Glide and OpenGL/MesaFX runtimes but to my dismay while testing our product with your Glide2 to Glide3 translation driver we found the driver to be unstable and very unusable. I tracked down the sourceforge project hoping to find Glide2 being developed on but to my dismay again it was not as only Glide3 is being updated.

I am requesting that if anyone can provide a working up-to-date Glide2 driver binary that is Windows XP Service Pack 2 compatible, not a translation or wrapper as our application is very dependant and specific due to it's design, please let me know via email or in a reply as soon as possible. Currently I am on a deadline that can not exceed May 30, 2006 and if we can not find a suitable or compatible driver we will be in serious trouble as the time frame we will not be productive will hurt our profit margin and could jeopardize many of our system's and company's critical client bases and production ratios.

I am told that people on this forum going by the aliases of Koolsmokey, Dborca, Amigamerlin, and others are the acting developers on this project. I have attempted to contact Dborca via email concerning this matter.

Please contact me back at as soon as possible so we can discuss further into the matter at hand. Currently I am working on this effort on my own time and can not provide our company's email address, but again I must still follow a deadline.

Thank you,