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Topics - Rolo01

Video Game Screenshots / Dungeon Lords
27 July 2005, 22:19:37
Good news :
Dungeon Lords works fine on my Voodoo4 !
You have to emulate HW T&L caps with 3DA, I used 2.25c because 2.36 crashed with Dungeon Lords.

My system :

Voodoo4 AGP with SFFT Alpha 32

The game runs without graphical glitches, a little bit slow on V4 but should be no problem on V5.

Image Insert:

68.87 KB
Another miracle done by Daniel Borca.

Kotor2 runs fine with this MesaFX file :

Place this in the Kotor2 folder :
Download Attachment:
1.78 KB

Image Insert:

33.05 KB

Image Insert:

38.51 KB

Tested on Pentium4-2800 with Voodoo4-4500 AGP, Win98 SE.
Voodoo4-4500 PCI
MesaFX :

Image Insert:

83.17 KB

Image Insert:

86.11 KB

Image Insert:

90.4 KB
Voodoo4/5 Discussions / Performance of the 6000
21 January 2004, 09:40:07
Up to this day my opinion was :
When I overclock my graphics card and do not see any improvements in speed, then the CPU is the limiting factor. I saw this on my PC :
A Geforce4-TI4200 overclocked to the settings of a 4600 makes no sense, as long as the Pentium3-1400 is the limiting factor.
Now I have built a new PC and experience the exact same thing :
The V5-6000 runs along with a Pentium4-2800 and I get absolutely no improvement when I clock the Voodoo to 183 Mhz. Not even a few percents.
Is it possible, that the P4-2800 still isnt strong enough to max out the 6000 ? If that is the case, what CPU actually IS strong enough ?

Any suggestions ?

