Now follow these steps:
- Remove 3dfx driver (and tools) and reboot
- When system came back in Windows XP you must use a VGA Standard driver for your card then reboot (so we are recovery default configuration as a fresh installation for your OS)
- Now run Amigamerlin driver setup: installer'll report some errors...you must ignore!
- Reboot
- Run Amigamerlin setup again selecting repair option
- Reboot
I'm here
Now follow these steps:
- Remove 3dfx driver (and tools) and reboot
- When system came back in Windows XP you must use a VGA Standard driver for your card then reboot (so we are recovery default configuration as a fresh installation for your OS)
- Now run Amigamerlin driver setup: installer'll report some errors...you must ignore!
- Reboot
- Run Amigamerlin setup again selecting repair option
- Reboot
I'm here