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Messages - Glide


Now follow these steps:

- Remove 3dfx driver (and tools) and reboot
- When system came back in Windows XP you must use a VGA Standard driver for your card then reboot (so we are recovery default configuration as a fresh installation for your OS)  
- Now run Amigamerlin driver setup: installer'll report some must ignore!
- Reboot
- Run Amigamerlin setup again selecting repair option
- Reboot

I'm here

Welcome to all two :)

Please follow this steps for a good Amigamerlin driver setup:

- Remove 3dfx driver (and tools) and reboot
- Now run driver setup: installer'll report some must ignore!
- Reboot
- Run Amigamerlin setup again selecting repair option
- Reboot

Now driver is properly installed :)

Reading this topic you can optimize driver performance.

That'all for now

PS: i'm sorry for deelay...

Try with lates 3dhq release (beta 10) for Voodoo3: you can download this driver from or

Please update your monitor driver before install video card driver...

PS: Welcome to forum ;)

Good luck friend...

General Discussions / Glide Refresh
15 February 2003, 20:05:46
Welcome to board ;)

Please specify which Amigamerlin driver release are using...


Some users have used an unreal2.ini file "modded" for running Unreal 2 on Voodoo5...

4.2 KB


First example:

with high graphical details in game setup (enough playable)  :) and some crash using this settings...[:(]

Second example (Athlon cpu, Voodoo5 5500, Amigamerlin 2.5SE, Windows 98 SE)

Many thanks to italian members for images ;)

It's an idea: sincerly i prefer Windows ME for gaming and Windows 2000 for all other applications in a dual boot Windows based system.

So if you want use a double os just know my advice ;)

I'm waiting for yours

- Video card: 3dfx Voodoo2 based card with 12mb EDO RAM

- Application: Unreal

- Game settings: 800x600x16x85Hz

- Operative System: MS Windows XP

- Voodoo2 driver: FastVoodoo2 2.0

Screenshots follow:

FastVoodoo2 driver is located on in 3dfx | Voodoo2 | Drivers | Windows XP section

Hi gcc: i want really helping you so i advice you to repeat Windows XP setup. Unfortunately I see that you have tried many options solvig bug...but it remains.


1)Backup your data
2)Format hd
3)Install Windows XP
4)Update OS with Service pack 1 (
5)Install DirectX 8.1b
6)Install Amigamerlin 2.5SE
7)Install all others device drivers

Just now i can test system...

I'm waiting for yours

Dear gcc, sorry for my delay...but i can't be anywhere...
Now I finished reading above replies and i think that you must configure motherboard chipset before video driver setup. With a good chipset driver agp bus works well under XP OS too.

Which is your mainboard? Visit chipset manifacturer site for latest driver update.

I'm waiting for yours

Voodoo2 Discussions / Voodoo2 and UT 2003
17 January 2003, 19:29:47
Quotedid you try to install like primary card, a card which is inadequate for UT2003 (e.g with only 8 mo)


QuoteMy pc (voodoo 5 5500, win xp) freezes in every game.
Can be this the cause?

a bad software configuration...[:0]

Try removing DirectX 9 with  DirectX 9 Unistaller located at this page.

This is tool readme:

<< DirectX 9 Uninstaller for XP / .NET >>

This uninstaller uses your original XP or .NET CD to restore your original DirectX 8 files.
Extract these files to C:\DXTEMP! You must extract these files to this directory and run
the UnDx9.bat that uninstalls the DIrectX files in SAFE MODE. Enjoy!

--GxV of #betas

so you need WinXP setup cd.

Thus you could recover begin status for your OS...after install Directx 8.1b and then AM 2.5SE.

This is all, for now.

You must configure your sistem before video driver installation.

Follow these steps:

- Remove Voodoo driver and reboot
- Configure video card as "VGA Standard" by device manager and driver update
- If you are able to do...remove 3dfx data in OS regedit
- Install DirectX 8.1b (you can get this file on Hardware Setup or too)
- Install AM 2.5XP (see readme for driver setup info)

Now you could run games with good system stability (no blu sceen or os errors): only now you can read to optimize AM performance.

If need...i'm here

FastVoodoo2 3.0 for AMD cpu coming very soon!
Just you can see here some image quality and fps sample (Voodoo2 SLI + UT + FV2 3.0)

Source: IT board