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Messages - Legend

Well, when i use to have a V5, the game worked fine on any emulator and was full speed (w/ Glide 64).

And i run all my games at 1024x768 no problem. The more I've dropped the res. the faster it's gotten. It's just needs a faster voodoo clock speed or something I suppose. Anyway, mood point i guess, oh well, thanks anyway.
Well, its actually the NBA Hangtime N64 rom. It's very slow with all that's available in emulation right now, the only thing I can do to play this fun game is use the Glide64 plugin and choose a low-res-because of the limitations of the V2's not quite full speed but its almost there I just need one resolution drop from the 512x384. Soooo can the V2 do lower resolutions?? Thanks.
i want to be able to use resolutions below 512x??? so i can play this game i have at full speed. I tried entering a string in the glide section of the registry where i see 4 res. and their refresh rates but that did'nt seem to work. Can we only use the 4 resolutions?
Well that probably explains my problem here. I hooked up my creative 12meg. and my STB 12meg and whenever I try to start using Glide64 (n64 vid. plugin)I hear an error sound and my monitor goes to standby. I can hit esc. and get back though. It works if I disable SLI detect but that's probably because its NOT using sli.
I tried going to DXdiag to see if they both are 12meg(that's what I was told on ebay) but I could'nt find anything. I also thought it was an IRQ problem since I had to swap pci slots for my modem to get it reconized.
But I guess I need to go buy another matching card then or maybe a WICKED3D card. I found this STB card on Ebay-he thinks it's 12megs. Does anyone know if they only made 12meg cards or did they also make some 8megs.?
Thanks for your help. I've spent weeks trying to get this all going-hopefully soon I'll be done.
Is it they need to be from the same co. or they need to be that AND the EXACT SAME model or what. I want a good sli combo and for FV4 just fine. Because I'm about to buy a STB made a year before my STB and the model numbers and so on seem to be different. And the chips look a little bit different on the back. I really apprecate any help here.
Thanks. Already did that.
I'm just done. I've stood up for Voodoos and Glide for years and loved them so much but they just are to f--ing oudated and can't hang with hardly any new games. I'm tired of the uncertainty from whether my new game will even run. I'm tired of waiting for new drivers for four months so my card will be more compatable only to have the opposite occur. I'm tired of all the glithes in games. I'm tired of all of them being slowing than a new $50 card.
And all of you will get tired some day also and finally shell out some ched on a new card and enjoy all the speed and nifty effects that go along with it. Finally I will have my trails in GTA. I'm going GeForce. Peace out!

AMD Athlon XP 2.1 Gig. - Asus A7V333- Voodoo 5 5500 AGP w/ Amigamerlin 3.0 XP - 512megs. DDR - Thrustmaster Dual Power 2 - 19" Flat screen - WinXp Pro - Direct X 9.0b
Is there a reason why when I use Jabo's D3d6 & 7 video plugins for a N64 emu that there are missing backgrounds and corrupted graphics now. It's in games like Mario tennis, Mario Golf and Conkers. It feels like I've tried everything. There's gotta be something I can do without having to revert to older drivers like replacing a file or two with older ones or something. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

AMD Athlon XP 2.1 Gig. - Asus A7V333- Voodoo 5 5500 AGP w/ Amigamerlin 3.0 XP - 512megs. DDR - Thrustmaster Dual Power 2 - 19" Flat screen - WinXp Pro - Direct X 9.0b
Is there a reason why this new driver set would be givng me problems w/ Jabo's d3d6 & 7  video plugins for the Project 64 emu. I have problems like missing menu backgrounds, trails and flicking skies in games like Mario tennis, Mario golf, KI and Conker's Bad fur day. Also in these games ocasionally ALL the graphics freak out and change colors and textures.
I've tried everthing I could and asked around to no avail so far. There must be something I can do without having to revert to older drivers like replace one of the new files w/ an older one or something. Please help.

AMD Athlon XP 2.1 Gig. - Asus A7V333- Voodoo 5 5500 AGP w/ Amigamerlin 3.0 XP - 512megs. DDR - Thrustmaster Dual Power 2 - 19" Flat screen - WinXp Pro - Direct X 9.0b
Just wondered if anybody has been able to start "Pirates of the Caribbean". It crashes on me every single time I go to new game. I tried alot of different things to fix this including using 3danalyze.

And lastly, in Morrowwind there are parts of game where the screen is just gray (movies, intros and such). It's not a huge deal but it would be nice if I could find a way to stop it. Thanks in advance.

AMD Athlon @ 2.1 ghz. - Voodoo 5500 AGP - Win XP Pro - 256 megs. DDR - Asus A7V333
General Discussions / Force 32 bit rendering?
08 September 2003, 02:43:38
The only thing in the "Best Settings" page in the download section is force 32 bit on both DX and Glide. It must be important if it's the only thing in there so far. Might this cause slowdowns or other problems to "force" it?

AMD Athlon @ 2.1 ghz. - Voodoo 5500 AGP - Win XP Pro - 256 megs. DDR - Asus A7V333
Games / GTA Vice City+rain
15 August 2003, 09:20:25
Does anyone know a way to prevent the rain in the game from corrupting all the graphics. I think I've tried everything. I'm currently using the Voodoolizer drivers but I was using Amigamerlin's 2.5 SE before and had the same problem. Does everyone else experience this?

AMD Athlon @ 2.1 ghz. - Voodoo 5500 AGP - Win XP Pro - 256 megs. DDR - Asus A7V333