voodoo 3 2000 agp question...

Started by elcotomaster, 22 December 2006, 17:48:31

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my mobo atc-6120 , ram 128pc100 hyundai, 40gb western dig,

greets to everyone, i own a celeron 333 (mendocino) running at 412mhz (87x5.0),
i just recently bought a voodoo 3 2000 card, but before i had a old crappy intel i748 8mb agp(no tv out), and when used this crap on direct3d ran ...aceptable... for more than 3 hours w/fan at 333mhz fsb, but when OC to 412 direct3d lasted for 1 min until it lockups, strange because directdraw worked pretty fine even at 412mhz,

BTW ;;the default´s mobo fsb is 66 (not 100[:(]), AND im runnin it at 87 (75mhz fsb gives the same prob but givin more time)

the $$$$1kkk question:

did someone who hadnt a 100fsb mobo OC´d it to make a voodoo 3 2000 agp work nice under direct3d, glide etc[?] or at least stably[?]

heeeelp!!! i dun wanna mess up THIS valuable board (voodoo not *i740*)

PD: my agp voodoo has a 4inch cooler...


Hi elcotomaster,

if you increase FSB frequency, you push to work out of specifications the PCI bus and at least your Voodoo3 too. So your 3dfx card becomes instable on overclocked bus and you can lead also data losses and/or hardware damages.

So you'd get a newer system to optimize Voodoo3 performances without stability issues.

Bye bye