Nvidia Geforce 4 MX4000

Started by Xearo666, 08 January 2006, 14:11:03

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Ok i know this video card needs atleast 300W psu or so the manual for it says that i like my voodoo still:P but the thing is when i put it in my computer it either crases after sometime or just freezez and if it dont do that it keeps turning the screen black and then it comesback to what i was doing. it dont do that on my voodoo 4 at all

my psu is a KME 230w its all i have i am guessing its better than my 100w that i was forced to use since this darn computer killd two 300w psu's


You ceratinly do not need a 300watt PSU for a MX4000, it might be the Motherboard's BIOS, lol I had an e-machine AMD64 3200+ 1gb RAM, 160gb, 2x Optical drives, and a PCI-Express PCX5900 (An FX5900 Ultra PCI-E Version) And ran all of them in 300watt PSU, I have tried the MX4000 (it did a piss poor job, I accidently broke the bracket of my Geforce 3 Ti 200) You should return it and get a MX440, or the 4xx series not the 4000, or get a FX5500 with that money or a Geforce 4 Ti4200.

here is the best prices.


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