amigamerlin 3.1r11

Started by TotalCAD, 01 September 2005, 16:53:07

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since i installed this software for my voodoo5500 and updated something else that comes with it ( I cant remeber what it was!) but it allowed me to run tombraider as b4 that it just flickered! but now the game runs great! when i start my pc I have BIG problems!! the first is probably unrelated but my pc detects my processor as a duron 1700...hmm i have a athlon 1700! after it turns on it runs for 5 mins then crashes every time, after leaving it in a crashed state it then reboots( well i do) and hey! i have an athlon and the pc runs fine! but then says that the error was cause by my graphics whats going on? anyone have a clue?
try b4 you buy, then buy loads of it!

Vanilias Ronk

First you should reinstall your drivers, if it doesn't help, reinstall your OS, if it doesn't help... :D It must help. ;)


hmm, tried all that, still does same thing. plus i updated bios on motherboard.will try a new motherboard as i have questions about the one im using. like....why is it crap? and..why does my pc crash all the time since i put it in?
try b4 you buy, then buy loads of it!



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try b4 you buy, then buy loads of it!