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Messages - ralamapafa

Looks ok to me....though I did stumble across a website showing some glitches in detail. Not very significant though.

i knew that it's possible to run 2d on voodoo2 using early w2k drivers (there was article somewhere), but what about 2d quality? I've heard that there are some glitches in 2d.

edit :  [ quote][/quote] and not [/quote][/quote] ;)
Guess what? Using the drivers found in v2w2kbeta.exe, one of 3dfx's early window 2000 driver releases - available at, I am able to extend my desktop onto the voodoo 2, just as if  were using 2 ordinary 2d video cards. Haven't been able to get direct 3d to work (I use windows XP), but at least the voodoo is showing up in dxdiag. Glide and opengl (using mesa) still work despite the driver pack saying they're not supposed to, so I'm guessing that's the result of left overs from my previous drivers. I didn't have much success with the "Voodoo2-1.02.01-BETA" drivers released earlier this year though, which were supposed to allow all of these things together in a sensible way. My current installation uses a control panel applet that only shows d3d support, but hey, I can live without being able to adjust gamma for glide.
Voodoo2 Discussions / voodoomovie and DVDs
04 November 2004, 08:28:58
Has anyone managed to get a DVD (or vob file) to render using voodoo movie? I've tried with the following codecs using 'media player classic' and a voodoo 2:

GPL MPEG2-decoder;
cyberlink (installed with powerdvd); and
xing vidsub

All to no avail. There MUST be a way!