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Topics - nebular

I'm trying to run my 4500 PCI in a dual monitor setup. No matter what drivers I use I keep getting Invalid Display settings when i go to my display properties, saying that the drivers were written for a previous version of windows.

I'm running winxp sp3 on an asus P5N73-AM, my primary display is the integrated video.

I've tried the included windows drivers sfft v1.5, sfft alpha 48 and the Koolsmoky drivers. I've uninstalled in safe mode, pulled board and  re-inseted.
Nothing gets past that invalid settings.

The board works as I accidentaly booted to it with some wrong bios setting, but didn't let it get past initial post.

Any ideas?
Voodoo4/5 Discussions / Voodoo 4 Freezing
10 October 2006, 01:23:41
I have a Voodoo 4 PCI with 32 MB of ram. I was working fine as a secondary device until my 2nd monitor died and it was unused for about 3 weeks. Now when I use the card it seems to work fine, but when I move any windows onto the 2nd desktop and basically have the card do any work, my computer freezes up. I'm using SFFT alpha 39.

IT problem is less pronounced in lower resolutions, but it still happens even down to 800x600. It just takes longer to freeze

Does this mean the card is dying or is it that it's over heating? I"m using stock cooling and the fan runs fine, I also have 80mm fans blowing over all of the PCI cards to add extra cooling.

I'm jsut at a loss