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Messages - raphaelmsx


Just got an Asus P2B-DS mobo (AGP 2X slot), and the 5500 AGP worked fine.
General Discussions / voodoo 2 sli vs 5500
18 July 2006, 13:49:07
Hmmm, dos glide games work with both AGP and PCI V5?
General Discussions / voodoo 2 sli vs 5500
16 July 2006, 19:12:29

Can I have installed in the same mobo an agp 5500 for windows games, and a plain old voodoo 1 for dos games? (real booting into dos, not under windows).

This is simple?
General Discussions / voodoo 2 sli vs 5500
14 July 2006, 21:40:03

I downloaded the screenshots from this site for the voodoo 2 sli vs 5500 for the game unreal, they are very similar.

So I ask: twin 12MB voodoo 2 in SLI equals to a single 5500?

Not just for this game, but in others too...
Games / DOS Glide games list
25 June 2006, 04:39:05
Thanks, I forgot to ask one more thing, what´s the last supported voodoo card for DOS? Only voodoo 1?

I though Descent for DOS also worked with voodoo...

Anymore games?
Games / DOS Glide games list
22 June 2006, 16:32:17

Could anyone list here all dos glide games?

It´s an S3 Trio 3D 2X.

I have here these two items, the mobo has an AGP 4X Pro Slot.

When I turn it on, the fans on the voodoo starts, nothing goes on the monitor, and the pc-speaker keep saying that has no video board installed.

The AGP slot is functional, I am using with another video board.

The voodoo was working, but I don´t know in what mobo.

So, my combination of mobo and voodoo 5 agp does work or I have something screwed up?
Games / Installing Voodoo 2 - Help
04 June 2006, 03:07:21
Thanks!!! I just did what you said and half life is working fine now in minigl mode!  
I´ll try other opengl games later.
Thanks again :)
Games / Installing Voodoo 2 - Help
28 May 2006, 00:07:42

First, thanks for every answer, but I'm still with some problems.

I've installed WickedGL, but when I run Half-Life it displays this message:
Glide Fatal Error grTexDownloadMipMap: mipmap cannot span 2 Mbyte boundary

So, I installed the MesaFX, the game runs nice, but when I hit the ESC key, the game acts like it has been pressed the ESC key, but it freezes on the game display, so if I hit ESC again, it returns to the game action... The options menu doesn't show up, I can't quit the game, alt+enter and alt+tab does not work at all...

What's wrong and how do I fix these two things? I want to have both OpenGL drives running ok.
Games / Installing Voodoo 2 - Help
04 May 2006, 05:30:32
I´ve just installed the voodoomage2 you mentioned, but now Unreal doesn´t run in glide, it returns with this error: "_GlideInitEnvironment: glide2x.dll expected Voodoo, none detected".

Also, half-life doesn´t work on OpenGL (same error mentioned), and with D3D it runs below 1 fps and with "snow" on the screen.

Games / Installing Voodoo 2 - Help
03 May 2006, 23:19:04
Thanks, I´m at work now, I´ll try when I come home.

I installed Unreal Tournament and worked very fine in glide mode, all details on high and very fast fps! But for my tastes, the display is a bit soft, I think the anti-alias is very heavy. Can I tweek this (and other) settings for the voodoo 2?

Thanks again!
Games / Installing Voodoo 2 - Help
03 May 2006, 01:59:16
Hmm, ok, but why Half Life doesn´t work on OpenGL?

Can I add other driver for directx and use in conjunction with this, or is there an
all-in-one (glide, opengl, d3d) driver?
Games / Installing Voodoo 2 - Help
02 May 2006, 19:01:13
Hi! I just bought a Voodoo 2 for my PC, it came with the FastVoodoo2 4.0 XP Gold Edition driver. I´ve installed this and the included demos worked fine, but dxdiag (running directx 9.0) reported no 3d device, half-life doesn´t work in OpenGL mode and on direct3d mode it only displays the first frame, then stop. Also tried Rainbow Six but with no luck, only worked with software display.

I know these are not native glide games, I am downloading unreal right now, but in the driver readme it´s says that works also with OpenGL and Direct3D.

What I am missing here? Please help. :)

My PC is: ASUS TUV4X, P-III 800MHz, 256MB ram and 9440 PCI video board.

Games / Voodoo5 5500 AGP works with DOS games?
25 April 2006, 23:56:51

I was thinking using AGP 5500 for windows and PCI 3d-only voodoo2 for old DOS games... Doesn´t work?
