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Messages - CheapAlert

Voodoo2 Discussions / GTA:VC V2
28 July 2005, 11:01:32
Thanks alot! (I never thought i'd be thanking a furry)

now it just freezes completely after a moment, but it's a step forward. and no, GTA3 never had an opengl renderer at all, so all this -opengl is false.

man, there needs to be a faq wiki with these things, google was quite crap for me in solving this issue
Voodoo2 Discussions / GTA:VC V2
28 July 2005, 10:12:27
Heh i've a GTA3 problem with my banshee, refuses to run, complains I need 12mb of vid mem

BUT I HAVE 16 :(

p2 233, 192mb ram, gta3 1.1, Evolution banshee drivers (doesn't say any ver), Win2kpro.