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3dfx Hardware & Software => General Discussions => Topic started by: jplee on 23 September 2005, 17:07:18

Title: Vooddo 5500 pci & 2 Voodoo2 sli work together?
Post by: jplee on 23 September 2005, 17:07:18
Hi, I am new to 3dfx field.

I got voodoo5 5500 pci and 2 voodoo2 recently, I wonder, can a V5 5500 and 2 V2 in Sli work together with the passthrought cable? will i get conflict?

Or, it just waste time to do it that way?

Thanks you

Title: Vooddo 5500 pci & 2 Voodoo2 sli work together?
Post by: ps47 on 23 September 2005, 19:03:13
it should work,but its a waste of time anyway.the v2 SLI has no purpose once you have a voodoo5..
Title: Vooddo 5500 pci & 2 Voodoo2 sli work together?
Post by: jplee on 23 September 2005, 23:40:06
Thank you! just one more question; If I hook up V2 SLI with a 128mb VGA, will that make it better than V5? ( 128+24mb?)

Title: Vooddo 5500 pci & 2 Voodoo2 sli work together?
Post by: Glide on 23 September 2005, 23:59:02
Hi jplee, welcome in this forum.

About your last question, you must think that the primary card (like a 128MB VGA as well as a Voodoo5 5500) and the Voodoo2 SLI don't work together. Also, their performances are independent because the games use   only one video sub-system (128MB VGA/Voodoo5 or Voodoo2 SLI in your case) to run.

Bye bye
Title: Vooddo 5500 pci & 2 Voodoo2 sli work together?
Post by: jplee on 24 September 2005, 00:50:42
Please forgive my Novice,
I see lots people run V2 sli with 9800pro, does that setting make it better than use V5 along?
I am confused.......Years ago, I had voodoo card with 4mb, I hooked it with another 4mb vga card and system shows 8mb, so I assumed V2 sli will work like 12+12+ N mb ( N= Prime VGA). now, I am not sure....
In your opinion, which one is better? V5 or V2 sli? or it depend on conditions?....

Thank you very much.

Title: Vooddo 5500 pci & 2 Voodoo2 sli work together?
Post by: ps47 on 24 September 2005, 00:51:14
in short words,voodoo2 SLI will NOT boost you primary graphics cards performance.once v2 SLI is activated,the primary card is disabled.
Title: Vooddo 5500 pci & 2 Voodoo2 sli work together?
Post by: ps47 on 24 September 2005, 01:00:29
..missed your last post.

voodoo2 SLI (when used with a modern card such as the r9800pro) will allow you to run old glide games on your (new) pc without switching graphics cards or using software substitutes (glide wrappers).

voodoo5 pci is faster than v2 SLI,it can do FSAA and 32 bit colour,but you will have to set the voodoo5 as primary adapter and switch the monitor cable every time you want to play a game on the voodoo5.

any of those 3dfx cards will not add performance to your primary graphics card.they will just make your pc compatible with some old games.but for many people (including me),this is quite essential..
Title: Vooddo 5500 pci & 2 Voodoo2 sli work together?
Post by: jplee on 24 September 2005, 01:57:30
Got it now, Thank you very much!!!!